
Catalyst's blog reflects the wide range of opinions, ideas, and experiences of Catalyst employees as well as industry leaders, experts, and academics committed to changing workplaces and lives around the world.






Mindfulness: Being In The Now Without Bias, Blame Or Shame (Blog Post)

April 19, 2018

When we find ourselves dealing with workplace demands of stress, anxiety, and doubt, the best thing we can do is rise above the fray with the peace of mindfulness: being in the now, without bias, shame, or blame.


What Happens When Men Join ERGs That Aren’t “for Them” (Blog Post)

April 18, 2018

Inside Groups for Women, LGBT, and More


That’s What She Said: Insights From Author And Journalist Joanne Lipman (Blog Post)

April 17, 2018

Joanne Lipman has been traveling for three years, speaking to men and women about workplace inequality, and what can be done about it.


Society Needs Science—And Science Needs Women! (Blog Post)

April 12, 2018

Take one 15-year-old student. Add her Chief Technology Officer (CTO) father to the mix. Ask them how we can help women succeed in science- and technology-related professions…and stand well back…

Organizational Culture Change

Marjory Stoneman Douglas: The Woman (Blog Post)

April 5, 2018

Marjory Stoneman Douglas was an activist with a strong voice for social change. With her as a model, and the memory of the 17 victims of the shooting that occurred at the school named for her in our hearts, can we commit together to raising boys (and girls!) who feel powerful, heard, and seen even when they aren’t holding a gun?


10 Questions for Men Attending ERGs That Aren’t “for Them” (Blog Post)

April 3, 2018

You Don’t Have to Have All the Answers

Career Advancement

Inspiring Women: Dr. Katie Abouzahr (Blog Post)

March 22, 2018

I met Dr. Katie Abouzahr at a Boston Consulting Group (BCG) event. After being introduced to her, I couldn’t help but ask, “How in the world did a medical doctor—and emergency room (ER) doctor at that—end up joining a consulting firm?”


Men of Color at Work: If These Stories Surprise You, You Haven’t Been Listening (Blog Post)

February 22, 2018

I asked men of color to delve into their experiences at work. What they shared with me was eye-opening.

Emotional Tax

Catalyst’s CEO Sounds Off About Emotional Tax (Blog Post)

February 21, 2018

Imagine waking up every day knowing that when you leave your home, you’ll likely be greeted with a multitude of insults because of your skin color, nationality, religious affiliation, or other defining characteristics.

Part 3: Q&A With Global Diversity And Inclusion Leader Dr. Rohini Anand (Blog Post)

February 20, 2018

We asked Rohini Anand, PhD, Senior Vice President Corporate Responsibility and Global Chief Diversity Officer, Sodexo, and Chair, Catalyst Board of Advisors, about what challenges she faces and what she believes the future holds for diversity and inclusion.

Sexual Harassment

Sexual Harassment and Women of Color (Blog Post)

February 13, 2018

Women of color experience both racialized and sexualized harassment and assault, stemming from the historical context of their experiences.

Part 2: Q&A With Global Diversity And Inclusion Leader Dr. Rohini Anand (Blog Post)

February 6, 2018

We asked Dr. Rohini Anand about what challenges she faces and what she believes the future holds for diversity and inclusion in part two of this three part series.

Ask Deborah: How Can My Company “Change The Headline” For Women In Leadership? (Blog Post)

February 4, 2018

In this month’s Ask Deborah, a column we created to help readers get to know her better, we posed a reader’s question about holding senior leaders accountable for making real change in the year ahead.

Pitney Bowes: Helping Women Push Boundaries, Achieve Dreams (Blog Post)

January 30, 2018

Pitney Bowes is not the largest tech player in India, but they are playing in the big leagues—and winning—when it comes to hiring and keeping top tech and engineering talent in one of the most competitive employee marketplaces in the world.

Organizational Culture Change

Q&A With Global Diversity And Inclusion Leader Rohini Anand, PhD (Blog Post)

January 23, 2018

The role of anyone leading global diversity and inclusion (D&I) efforts and strategy is to impact culture change. My responsibility is to create a more inclusive culture at Sodexo and to position us as a good corporate citizen. As D&I change agents, we have to approach our work with a systems mindset, looking to address processes, policies and procedures, mindsets and behaviors, and ultimately the culture.

Organizational Culture Change

The Year Of Women (Blog Post)

January 19, 2018

A year ago on Sunday, women raised their voices in a collective roar that is still reverberating across the United States and the world. At the Women’s March in New York City, I stood alongside colleagues, friends, neighbors, and allies of all backgrounds to challenge the status quo and call for women’s equality in all areas of our lives.

Men working together

Men’s Role in Workplace Equity: Achieving Our Full Potential (Blog Post)

January 17, 2018

MARC sparked a dialogue with other male colleagues about what we assume to be normal (but is not).

Implicit Bias

5 Ways To Identify Effective Unconscious Bias Training (Blog Post)

January 9, 2018

Organizations and business professionals are becoming more and more aware that everyone has unconscious bias. But having an unconscious bias doesn’t make us bad—it just makes us human. Unconscious biases can have a significant negative impact on workplaces, leading to differences in who gets hired and recruited, who gets offered new opportunities, and whose voice is listened to in meetings and beyond.


What Worries Men About Traveling on Business With a Woman? (Blog Post)

December 13, 2017

What Are Men Really Thinking?


How Stereotypes Impact Women (And Men) at Work (Blog Post)

November 29, 2017

And What Men Can Do About It