
Catalyst's blog reflects the wide range of opinions, ideas, and experiences of Catalyst employees as well as industry leaders, experts, and academics committed to changing workplaces and lives around the world.







Who Says My Mom Can’t Have It All? Reflections Of A Teenage Son (Blog Post)

November 22, 2017

As a rising high school senior, I worry about these results and the future of women’s place in society.


Gender Equality: What Women Are Really Asking of Men (Blog Post)

November 8, 2017

It’s Not What Many Men Think

Sponsorship and Mentoring

We Can All Be Everyday Heroes (Blog Post)

November 8, 2017

The word “superhero” conjures up images of capes, masks, lots of Lycra, and extraordinary powers. And based on decades of pop culture imagery, it’s usually a male hero saving the day. However, thanks to the incredible success of the recent Wonder Woman movie, we are currently experiencing a much-needed burst of superhero equality! But I digress. There’s actually another kind of heroism I want to talk about today. And it’s just as powerful.

Sexual Harassment

Sexual Harassment: Enough Is Enough (Blog Post)

October 18, 2017

I recently gave a speech where I called for organizations to adopt a “zero tolerance policy” for practices and behaviors that marginalize women—all the inertia that pushes men forward into leadership while pushing women out of the way—and challenged men to step up and be counted as champions of gender equality.

Race, Ethnicity, and Culture

What’s Keeping Latinas From The Top? (Blog Post)

October 11, 2017

Several years ago, when I was contemplating leaving my job in academia, I wouldn’t have believed you if you’d told me that someday soon I would land my dream job working with corporate America to help companies increase their Latinx representation. But it’s true, and that’s what I have been doing for the past five years.

Sponsorship and Mentoring

The Queen Bee And The King Wasp: What’s All The Buzz? (Blog Post)

August 24, 2017

I continue to wonder about this Queen Bee persona. Why are women oftentimes characterized as the villain? Is it because, given women’s lesser numbers, this Queen is easier to spot?

How Workplace Flexibility Can Promote Inclusion And Prioritize Talent (Blog Post)

August 10, 2017

On paper, workplace flexibility sounds great. It’s known to increase retention, boost career aspirations and productivity, and decrease absenteeism—all benefits to both the employee and the employer. These advantages are also probably why over 80% of companies offer some kind of flexible work arrangement.

Race, Ethnicity, and Culture

No, Black Women Still Don’t Earn The Same As Their White Peers. Here’s Why. (Blog Post)

July 31, 2017

The gender pay gap is partly a result of systemic barriers and biases—not because of skills and qualifications.

Race, Ethnicity, and Culture

Becoming An Authentic Leader: A Toolbox for Professionals of Color (Blog Post)

June 20, 2017

Authentic leadership can be a powerful inner resource as a toolbox for all leaders. By leading “authentically” from within, leaders can promote their values, provide vision, and engender confidence from their superiors, peers, and direct reports. Accessing and expressing an inner roadmap to authenticity can be a complex landscape for leaders of color to navigate.

Board Diversity

Nearly Is Not Enough! (Blog Post)

June 1, 2017

Seventeen years ago, as a young research assistant at Catalyst, I began to document and track the status of women and minorities on corporate boards. Over the years, I made it my life’s work to identify, familiarize myself with, and memorize the names of successful women and minority business leaders who serve as executives and on boards at America’s leading companies.

Organizational Culture Change

Q&A With Award-Winning Author And Journalist Kimberly Seals Allers On Her Recent Book, The Big Letdown: How Medicine, Big Business, And Feminism Undermine Breastfeeding (Blog Post)

May 23, 2017

Kimberly Seals Allers is an award-winning journalist and founder of, a pregnancy and parenting blog specifically geared toward Black parents. Her new book, The Big Letdown: How Medicine, Big Business, and Feminism Undermine Breastfeeding, is an in-depth analysis of the social, economic, and political influences of the American breastfeeding culture.

Here’s Why Paid Leave Matters To Everyone (Blog Post)

May 16, 2017

According to the United Nations International Labor Organization, the United States is one of only two countries out of 170 that does not provide paid family leave (the other country is New Guinea). Yet the need for paid leave has only grown.

Organizational Culture Change

Personal Reflections On Mother’s Day (Blog Post)

May 11, 2017

On Mother's Day I think about all the working mothers who juggle family and careers and the changes we need to see to make their lives easier and help them achieve the career success they want: parental leave; quality, affordable childcare; workplace flexibility; and partners who fully share the workload at home. I also think about the women who aren’t mothers, like me.

Career Advancement

No Time To Prepare? Improve Your Brand By Learning To Speak Spontaneously (Blog Post)

April 19, 2017

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard a similar complaint from clients who have been asked to speak without enough time to prepare. But being a great speaker isn’t about how much time you spend preparing — it’s about learning key skills that will help you speak spontaneously with ease.

Q&A with Bloomberg News’s Laura Colby on Her Recent Book, Road to Power (Blog Post)

April 13, 2017

Laura Colby is a senior reporter at Bloomberg News, where she covers women in the global economy and diversity in business. She is the author of Road to Power: How GM’s Mary Barra Shattered the Glass Ceiling, which explores the rise of the first female CEO of a major automotive company. Here, we ask Laura a few questions about her interest in writing a book about Barra who is also one of the few women who currently hold CEO positions at S&P 500 companies.

Gender Pay Gap

5 Ways To Close The Gender Pay Gap (Blog Post)

April 4, 2017

Here are a few solutions, along with some helpful tips for closing the pay gap once and for all.

Sponsorship and Mentoring

4 Lessons I Learned from Mentoring (Blog Post)

February 28, 2017

Early in my career I didn't thoroughly understand what mentorship was or how it worked. I was lucky that my mentor relationships formed organically, but as my career progressed I began to understand how much of an impact my mentors had on me, and that I too made an impact on them.

Organizational Culture Change

A Path Forward For Women’s Rights (Blog Post)

February 8, 2017

These are challenging times for women, but there’s also renewed momentum for change.

Board Diversity

Thank You, Rockefeller Foundation For Supporting The Catalyst Women On Board™ US Initiative (Blog Post)

January 27, 2017

The Rockefeller Foundation has granted Catalyst $100,000 to expand our Catalyst Women On Board™ initiative throughout the United States. This generous support will help Catalyst shine a light on the lagging representation of women on boards and throughout executive ranks—which is widely recognized as a global economic imperative—as well as showcase a solution.

5 Communication Skills Everyone Needs (Blog Post)

January 25, 2017

It’s getting harder and harder to talk with people, especially people who are different from you. How can we bridge those divides and start those conversations?