
Catalyst's blog reflects the wide range of opinions, ideas, and experiences of Catalyst employees as well as industry leaders, experts, and academics committed to changing workplaces and lives around the world.






Women's March
DEI 101

10 Big Issues Women Face at Work and What Leaders Can Do to Help (Blog Post)

January 19, 2017

Find out what issues and action steps are fundamental to accelerating progress for women in business across the country.

Inclusive Leadership

Become A Better Leader By Knowing More About Your Employees (Blog Post)

January 6, 2017

Getting to know the employees you work with each day both professionally and personally is key. Once you understand their backgrounds, work habits, and individual personalities, you’ll be better equipped to lead them.

What Are You Thankful for This year? (Blog Post)

December 19, 2016

My optimism is fueled by an important shift that I have observed in leaders everywhere—instead of asking “why” diversity and inclusion matters, leaders from all walks of life and business have been asking “how” we can build more inclusive workplaces.

Board Diversity

How Canadian Companies Can Diversify Their Boards (Blog Post)

December 9, 2016

Simply put, gender diversity more accurately reflects the world we're dealing in. When you embrace it, you gain insight into your clients' thinking, you develop better relationships, and you build a better company.


Closing The STEM Gender Gap (Blog Post)

December 5, 2016

Catalyst has concrete, high-impact strategies for transforming male-dominated cultures to successfully attract, advance, and retain women.

Organizational Culture Change

How Employees Can Transform Their Workplaces: Stop the Single Story (Blog Post)

October 31, 2016

Single stories, which are incomplete and limiting narratives that we tell about others, can perpetuate workplace bias and politics.

Implicit Bias

The Politics Of Women In Leadership (Blog Post)

October 25, 2016

It’s no secret that women face barriers on their way to the top. The good news? Many or even most of these barriers in the workplace are unintended. The bad news? Many people don’t even realize they are inherently biased, which is what can create these barriers in the first place.

Career Advancement

Q&A with The Wall Street Journal’s Joann Lublin on her new book, Earning It (Blog Post)

October 21, 2016

Joann Lublin, Management News Editor for The Wall Street Journal, discusses her new book, "Earning It: Hard-Won Lessons from Trailblazing Women at the Top of the Business World.

Organizational Culture Change

Rosie Rios: Women, Our Currency, and the U.S. Treasury (Blog Post)

October 14, 2016

Rosie Rios, former Treasurer of the United States, on placing a woman on the U.S. currency for the first time in over a century, and advocating for women and the Hispanic community.

Gender Pay Gap

Women are Getting a Seat at the Table, but the Pay Gap Remains (Blog Post)

October 3, 2016

The pay gap still remains and there are far from enough women in leadership positions, however, what is promising is that change can happen quickly when businesses are willing to admit a problem exists.


3 Ways You Might Be Silencing Women And a Checklist for Fixing That (Blog Post)

September 27, 2016

What valuable contributions might get missed?

10 More Steps To Create Inclusive Workplaces (Blog Post)

August 25, 2016

So, here are the next 10 (and a bonus) to help you and your company put inclusion into practice.

Recruitment and Retention

10 Steps To Create Inclusive Workplaces (Blog Post)

August 11, 2016

My favorite actions—easy, practical, and intentional actions—that a leader, team, or organization could take to focus on inclusion.

Organizational Culture Change

My Reflections On Women In Politics (Blog Post)

July 27, 2016

We have witnessed history unfold this week as Hillary Clinton became the first woman to be nominated as a presidential candidate for a major US political party. As a woman, an advocate for gender equality, and a “recovering” political animal, I have been moved and inspired.


#WomenCan: The Importance of Male Advocacy (Blog Post)

July 25, 2016

Human rights are women’s rights, and women’s rights are human rights." This is one of my favorite quotes. Secretary Hillary Clinton delivered it at the United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing over 20 years ago. It was true in 1995 and it's true today.

‘OITNB’ Actress Alysia Reiner Discusses Her New Project ‘Equity’ (Blog Post)

July 19, 2016

Q&A with Alysia Rainer about her new project "Equity."

Race, Ethnicity, and Culture

United in One Goal: Diversity in the German Soccer Team (Blog Post)

July 13, 2016

The German football team is a celebration of the country’s diversity, with nine out of the 23 players having one or both of their parents born outside Germany, in countries including Tunisia, Senegal, Albania, Ghana, and the Ivory Coast.


Journey to Authenticity: Being a LGBT Ally, Yet Feeling Like a Fraud (Blog Post)

July 6, 2016

“Do I truly live up to being an ally who accepts everyone?” and, “What does being an ally even look like?”

Career Advancement

The Importance Of Going Beyond Your Comfort Zone (Blog Post)

June 22, 2016

We’re often presented with opportunities both in our personal and professional lives that force us to step outside of our comfort zones. Defining moments like these reveal a lot about who we are as individuals and ultimately shape the trajectory of our futures.

Sponsorship and Mentoring

SHARE Ask Deborah: What Does It Take To Prepare The Next Generation For Leadership? (Blog Post)

June 14, 2016

There are many qualities that are associated with great leaders. At Catalyst we have found that the best leaders exhibit the EACH behaviors: Encouragement, Accountability, Courage and Humility. But how do we prepare future generations for leadership?