
Catalyst's blog reflects the wide range of opinions, ideas, and experiences of Catalyst employees as well as industry leaders, experts, and academics committed to changing workplaces and lives around the world.






Four Ways To Make Your Company More Inclusive In 2016

January 14, 2016

It’s a New Year, and time to put gender diversity and inclusion on the top of your to-do list. Many companies are already making great progress on this front, and we thought we’d share some of the strategies they’re using to create organizational change.

Sponsorship and Mentoring

My Friend, My Mentor: The Benefits Of Peer Mentoring in the Workplace (Blog Post)

January 12, 2016

I am one of the lucky few to have a best friend at work. My co-worker, and yes, best friend, and I have been able to develop our careers due to each other’s support, guidance, and mentorship.

Sponsorship and Mentoring

#NationalMentoring Month: Women of the Dream Founder Leslie Morris Talks About the Importance of Mentoring (Blog Post)

January 7, 2016

As part of our National Mentoring Month series, we caught up with Morris to chat about the influence that mentors have played in her life.

“My Wish For 2016” (Blog Post)

January 4, 2016

When December rolls around, it’s natural for us to reflect on the year and start thinking about how we might make the next one better. As the leader of Catalyst, I always hope that each new year will bring us closer to gender equity in the workplace.

Race, Ethnicity, and Culture

Your Take: Will the UK’s Push to Remove Names from Job and College Applications Combat Racial Bias? (Blog Post)

December 30, 2015

Many people believe that their birth names have hindered their advancement in their education and their careers, and there is research to prove that is the case. According to a 2003 study conducted by Marianne Bertrand and Sendhil Mullainathan that examined racial discrimination in the workforce, resumes with white-sounding names got 50% more callbacks for interviews than those with black-sounding names.

Board Diversity

The Journey Toward a Board Appointment: Lessons Learned (Blog Post)

December 28, 2015

Sandra Stuart reflects on her time with the Women On Board® mentorship program.

Happy Holidays From Catalyst! (Public Statement)

December 24, 2015

Happy Holidays from Catalyst! Looking forward to all we can accomplish together in 2016!

Organizational Culture Change

Top Disruptors Of 2015 (Blog Post)

December 23, 2015

You can’t make change in the world without stepping up, speaking out, and taking bold action to shake up the status quo. Catalyst applauds those who championed change this past year, proved what’s possible, and inspired others to do so too!  


Five Lessons I Hope Mark Zuckerberg Teaches His Daughter (Blog Post)

December 21, 2015

The lessons my dad imparted are ones that all men should consider when raising their daughters (and sons). His teachings have helped me succeed through my adolescence, through college, and now early into my career.

Organizational Culture Change

Profiles in Disruption: The View From Spain (Blog Post)

December 17, 2015

Catalyst’s #DisruptTheDefault campaign is a call to action for individuals and companies to make bold moves that forge meaningful change for women and men in the workplace—and the world! And our Profiles in Disruption blogs showcase how others are doing this in their lives, their companies, and their countries!

Race, Ethnicity, and Culture

Four Inspirational Toys That Break Stereotypes (Blog Post)

December 15, 2015

This holiday season, let’s give our children toys that serve two purposes: they should be fun to play with and introduce kids to careers that traditionally have lacked gender and racial diversity. Over the past few years, several toys have been put out on the market that do just that. Here are a fe

Challenging The Root Of Gender Norms (Blog Post)

December 10, 2015

Gender-segregating toys not only frustrates and limits children when they are children, it is one more way in which we set the stage for a frustrating and limiting adulthood of gender segregation.

Lessons From The Finish Line: A Triathlete Shares Guidance For Life And Work (Blog Post)

December 8, 2015

We recently caught up with Eliza to chat about her experience running last month’s New York City Marathon. She shared what keeps her motivated during training and competing, the impact that the organization Achilles International has had in her life, and lessons from racing that she applies in the workplace.

Inclusive Leadership

Inclusivity: The Road To A Great Leader (Blog Post)

December 3, 2015

There are many successful leaders today. But how many of them actually lead?

Sponsorship and Mentoring

Ask Deborah: Breaking New Ground (Blog Post)

December 1, 2015

Instead of answering a question this month, I hope you don’t mind if I ask you a question. Actually, make that two questions: “Who has championed you?” and “Who can you champion?”

Gender Pay Gap

Ten Numbers That Reveal Australia’s Gender-Equality Challenge (Blog Post)

November 24, 2015

Australian employers are required to report every year on pay and the composition of their workforce, by gender. Here’s what the latest data shows us.

Employee Resource Groups

Busting Myths About ERGs, One Resource At A Time (Blog Post)

November 19, 2015

We asked ERLI’s lead architect, Candice Morgan, to share some key insights about common misperceptions ERG leaders often face, particularly in the early stages of establishing a new group.

The Power Of Asking “How Can We Do Better?” (Blog Post)

November 16, 2015

The struggle to align career, day-to-day work demands, family (in all its forms), community, and personal pursuits is universal. In a global company connected by always-on technology, we all fight to prevent any part of the matrix from overwhelming the others. The work group experienced a wave of interest and generated lots of ideas.


How to Celebrate International Men’s Day Right (Blog Post)

November 14, 2015

Context Is Everything

Board Diversity

Advancing Women Is Good For Business! (Blog Post)

November 13, 2015

Nearly a century after women gained the right to vote in the United States, their economic equality and full participation in society remains elusive. There is a significant gender-based pay gap, a glass ceiling, and a lack of basic policies to support women in the workforce. This must change.