
Catalyst's blog reflects the wide range of opinions, ideas, and experiences of Catalyst employees as well as industry leaders, experts, and academics committed to changing workplaces and lives around the world.






Board Diversity

Advancing Women Is Good For Business! (Blog Post)

November 13, 2015

Nearly a century after women gained the right to vote in the United States, their economic equality and full participation in society remains elusive. There is a significant gender-based pay gap, a glass ceiling, and a lack of basic policies to support women in the workforce. This must change.

Organizational Culture Change

The People’s Cabinet (Blog Post)

November 12, 2015

The beauty of Canada’s new leadership team is that it looks like the market—the people of Canada—that it is intended to serve.

Recruitment and Retention

In Hockey And Business, Talent Is Key To Building Winning Teams (Blog Post)

November 10, 2015

While Canada’s success on the ice should certainly be celebrated, it also raises an important question. How is it that we manage to invest so well in our hockey talent, yet we don’t apply the same rigour to areas that are much more important to the strength and future of this country, such as innovation and productivity? 

Work Life Balance—Not Just For VIPs (Blog Post)

November 5, 2015

Two men have made work-life balance a hot topic, I hope that the momentum they have built will lead to a shift in America’s work culture, starting with their own staffs and extending to workers across the country and across industries.

Ask Deborah: What Is Catalyst’s “Expert Community” Doing to Increase Inclusion? (Blog Post)

November 2, 2015

What is Catalyst’s Expert Community? It is a cross-industry group of global business leaders committed to making change for women and other diverse groups within their organizations. This group has a mission to drive change, a focus on creating collective impact, and a dedication to upholding Catalyst’s mission and testing our research findings.

Recruitment and Retention

Why Women Don’t Want to Work for You: An Open Letter to Management (Blog Post)

October 29, 2015

After reading an eye-opening recent Forbes article about Millennials, I decided “management” might appreciate another letter about some talent issues that seem equally difficult for many company leaders to comprehend.

Meet Our 2015 Catalyst Canada Honours Champions! (Blog Post)

October 27, 2015

The Catalyst Canada Honours annually recognizes leaders who accelerate progress for women in Canadian business through inclusion. Recognizing that inclusive workplaces are good for business, these exceptional individuals serve as powerful role models for corporate Canada.

Meet Our 2015 Catalyst Canada Honours Champions! (Blog Post)

October 22, 2015

The Catalyst Canada Honours annually recognizes leaders who accelerate progress for women in Canadian business through inclusion. Recognizing that inclusive workplaces are good for business, these exceptional individuals serve as powerful role models for corporate Canada.

Career Advancement

Women And The Masks We Wear: Striving For Success (Blog Post)

October 20, 2015

Six strategies to help you U.N.M.A.S.K. at work—and tap into success!

Race, Ethnicity, and Culture

Rising To The Top: The Importance Of Resources For Women Of Color (Blog Post)

October 15, 2015

Without trust, biases and stereotyping may influence how coworkers and managers interact with their women of color colleagues. Black women’s perceived stereotyping by their coworkers also hindered their advancement.

Four Leaders Who Exemplify Inclusive Leadership (Blog Post)

October 13, 2015

At Catalyst we often talk about the four behaviors our global research has linked to inclusion: empowerment, accountability, courage, and humility—or, as we like to call them, “EACH,” as in “each and every one of us” has the power to develop these traits!

Work-Life “Balance” Got You Down? (Blog Post)

October 7, 2015

We all have multiple priorities and demands on our time. Given the realities of our busy lives, many of us are trying to achieve work-life “balance.” But it’s time to give up balance, once and for all!

Organizational Culture Change

Ask Deborah: What’s Catalyst Doing For Women Around The World? (Blog Post)

October 5, 2015

Every time I visit a new country, my understanding of the challenges working women face grows—and so does my optimism about the level of attention paid to these issues and the opportunities for progress.

Sponsorship and Mentoring

The Things We Cannot See: Changing What We Think, Want and Believe When It Comes to Girls and Power (Blog Post)

October 2, 2015

Changing the face of leadership and combating gender bias begins by inspiring and empowering girls at a young age. Rachel Simmons, Girls Leadership Co-Founder recently penned a piece on the importance of creating a culture where women can thrive.

Three Women Who Are Changing The Face Of Leadership In Men’s Sports (Blog Post)

September 24, 2015

Meet some of the women who are changing the game

Five Ways To Make India Inc. More Inclusive Of Women (Blog Post)

September 22, 2015

Catalyst's new report, India Inc.: From Intention to Impact, clearly highlights intentional leadership actions as essential to moving India Inc. from talking the talk to walking the walk. The report focuses on five areas where there are gaps, identifying opportunities for impact and strategies for making real change.

Career Advancement

Profiles In Disruption: Inspiring Women To Get Their MBA (Blog Post)

September 17, 2015

Today, our guest blogger is Erika James, dean of Emory University's Goizueta Business School, who tells how business schools and corporate America should partner to improve the working environment for women.

Organizational Culture Change

APJ Abdul Kalam: Humility In Leadership (Blog Post)

September 15, 2015

India’s former president APJ Abdul Kalam, who died on July 27, 2015, had a leadership style many would do well to emulate.

#WomenCan スポットライト:塚原月子 新任バイスプレジデント カタリスト・ジャパン (ブログ投稿)

September 3, 2015

プロフィール:塚原月子 バイスプレジデント カタリスト・ジャパン ダートマス大学 タック・スクール・オブ・ビジネス 経営学修士課程修了(MBA)東京大学 経済学部卒業 既婚、3児の母。

#WomenCan Spotlight: Tsukiko Tsukahara, Vice President, Catalyst Japan (Blog Post)

September 3, 2015

Learn how Tsukiko Tsukahara, Vice President, Catalyst Japan, has succeeded in business while balancing her family committments.