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Webinar: How to Benefit from The Influence of Diverse Perspectives on Workplace Culture

Join us for a frank discussion on how Catalyst’s research plays out in society.

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The Effect of COVID-19 on Gender Equity

This event will be hosted LIVE in the following time zones: 10:00AM – 10:40AM GMT    |    12:00PM – 12:40PM CET    |    2:00PM – 2:40PM GST Dial-in for this […]

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Westminster Business Forum Policy Conference

This conference will discuss latest thinking on policy and best practice relating to women’s employment and careers.

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RESCHEDULED: EMEA Virtual Roundtable: Supporting Talent Inclusively in a Flexible Future

As organisations move forward, how do they manage and support talent in a fair and equitable way?

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Canada Virtual Panel: Gender Balance in Education

Join us for our Gender Balance in Education webinar hosted by Vandana Juneja, Executive Director at Catalyst Canada.

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Germany Virtual Roundtable: Diversity in Deutschland – quo vadis?

War 2020 ein gutes oder ein schlechtes Jahr für Diversity, Equity und Inclusion (DEI)? Ein gemischtes, lautet - noch bevor das Jahr zu Ende ist – die Antwort. Während die […]

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Webinar: Accountability Matters

In this webinar, learn about programs, such as the Catalyst Inclusion Accelerator diagnostic tool, as well as other initiatives that precisely measure inclusion and transform those measurements into real results.

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Canada Virtual Panel: Les STEM en 2020 : témoignages, enjeux, pistes de solutions

Aujourd’hui, avec les progrès technologiques et la transformation numérique dans la plupart des secteurs économiques, de nombreux emplois changent et de nouveaux profils professionnels apparaissent. Leur point commun : ils […]

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Measurement Matters: The Gender and Diversity KPI Alliance (GDKA)

Join GDKA co-chairs Subha Barry, President, Working Mother and Lorraine Hariton, President & CEO, Catalyst in their conversation on key performance indicators with The Gender and Diversity KPI Alliance (GDKA) members Margo Georgiadis, President & CEO, Ancestry; Denis Machuel, Chief Executive Officer, Sodexo and "Tiger" Tyagarajan, Chief Executive Officer, Genpact.

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The Impact of Leading Inclusively During Covid-19

Hosted by Pfizer Japan ファイザー株式会社 新型コロナの脅威は、私たちのビジネスの在り方にも大きな影響をもたらしています。オンラインでは完結しない分野はまだまだ多い一方で、今までは対面での活動こそに価値が認められがちであった営業については、様々な業種において、試行錯誤の中にもオンラインツールを使って働き方を大きく変える動きが見られます。 新型コロナの脅威によってもたらされた仕方のないものというだけでなく、革新に向けた一つの機会と捉えて、より良いモデルを作り上げていくのか―その一つの鍵が、インクルーシブ・リーダーシップを活用したチームマネジメントではないでしょうか? 営業分野における新しいモデルの構築に取り組む企業からスピーカーを迎えて、インクルーシブ・リーダーシップの発揮による新しい営業の可能性について議論します。 対象: カタリスト・サポーター企業の社員の皆様、全体で約100名 特別ゲスト: ファイザー株式会社 炎症・免疫部門 営業統括部長 山本博之氏 AIG損害保険株式会社 執行役員兼チーフ・ディストリビューション・オフィサー 高橋宏典氏 進行概要: 開会 パネルディスカッション 小グループ・ディスカッション ラップアップ及び閉会 このセッションは、録音されることをあらかじめご了承ください(小グループ・ディスカッション以外)。 パネルディスカッションでは、同時通訳サービスがございます(小グループディスカッションでは通訳は使用できません) お問合せは 塚原月子: [email protected] The COVID-19 pandemic has created substantial […]

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MARC Summit

Join us December 3–4, 2020, for the MARC Summit, a one-time, virtual Catalyst conference with thought-provoking programming that inspires participants to engage in effective gender partnerships and encourages men to […]

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RESCHEDULED FROM MAY 6, 2020: Women in Tech – Business Leaders Diversity Conference

209 Redwood Shores Pkwy, Redwood City, CA, 94065

As leaders in the tech industry you recognize the importance of gender diversity, the challenge of finding great talent, advancing and retaining that talent in corporate environments that are often not set up for women to succeed. This conference provides leaders with the tools and cutting-edge practices to become proficient in recruiting, retaining, and advancing more diverse and multicultural women. #diversityWIT

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Women, Equity, and Inclusion in the Future of Work

Join us for a fireside chat with Catalyst President & CEO, Lorraine Hariton, to learn more about how the non-profit, focused on advancing women, is leading change. She'll talk more about their initiatives for CEOs, engaging men to advocate for gender equality in the workplace and an exciting new initiative, the Gender and Diversity KPI Alliance (GDKA).

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EMEA Virtual Roundtable: Supporting Talent Inclusively in a Flexible Future

The impact of Covid-19 has meant that organisations are having to look at talent through two lenses – firstly, the ‘new now’ and how to support employees today, and secondly, […]

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Webinar: The Balance of Sponsorship

Learn how sponsorship can help women advance their careers.

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Psychological Safety – What Is It and How Do We Promote It?

Join this free 50 minute live d&i Leaders online discussion, with audience Q&A. 

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Connecting Across Differences: Best Practices to Reinvigorate Inclusive Communication

In today’s climate, it has never been more imperative that everyone engage in the hard work of challenging conversations to disrupt bias and understand each other’s unique experiences and perspectives. […]

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Webinar: Building Your Network

Learn how establishing a strong network is critical to career advancement.

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Equality Lounge® @ Davos 2021: Measure What Matters – How Measurement Drives Change

Catalyst is excited to join The Female Quotient’s Equality Lounge® @ Davos event, a cornerstone event in The Female Quotient's annual equality calendar taking place January 26-28, with Catalyst President […]

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Catalyst Canada Virtual Event: Empathy as a Superpower in the Future of Work

Empathy is a critical human skill. It allows people to create connections and demonstrate care and understanding for colleagues, especially during times of rapid change like the Covid-19 crisis and […]

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