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Catalyst Community: Navigating These Uncertain Times, A Global Perspective

Join us to learn more tips on how to continue momentum to advance women during times of disruption.

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Catalyst Community: Being Intentional About Inclusion in Flexible and Remote Work

Virtual discussion sharing challenges, tips, and strategies on how to facilitate inclusion for your remote workers and teams.

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(POSTPONED) MARC Leaders Workshop: Creating Partnership for Change – Louisville, KY

MARC Leaders is an immersive and interactive 1.5-day cross-company workshop that inspires participants to stand up for gender equity.

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Catalyst Community: Now Is the Moment for Inclusive Leadership

Now Is the Moment for Inclusive Leadership : The world has shifted tremendously over the past months. There are increased complexities, challenges, and disparities in how we are experiencing and navigating these times. How can we collectively work to create a more inclusive workplace culture and society during this disruption? And what is the role of […]

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Webinar: Prioritizing Workplace Mental Health During and After the Crisis

How do we ensure we are sensitive to the mental health concerns of employees in these challenging times?

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Catalyst Community: Unilever Winner Spotlight “CHANGING THE GAME, UNLOCKING THE FUTURE” Then, Now, and in the New Normal

“Changing the Game, Unlocking the Future.” A core element of the Unilever Sustainable Living Plan for growing the business and creating positive social impact, the initiative extends and enhances Unilever’s 2013 Catalyst Award-winning initiative by setting a goal to achieve gender balance across management levels by 2020, developing a more thoughtful and sustainably inclusive culture. […]

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RESCHEDULED TO DECEMBER 8, 2020: Women in Tech – Business Leaders Diversity Conference


As leaders in the tech industry you recognize the importance of gender diversity, the challenge of finding great talent, advancing and retaining that talent in corporate environments that are often not set up for women to succeed. This conference provides leaders with the tools and cutting-edge practices to become proficient in recruiting, retaining, and advancing more diverse and multicultural women. #diversityWIT

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Q&A with Minda Harts – How COVID-19 is Impacting Women of Color

Join Minda Harts and Rachel Thomas as they discuss the impact of COVID-19 on women of color and how to support impacted communities.

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Webinar: How Ombuds Programs Empower Women and Support Inclusion in the Workforce

Learn how senior leaders from Fortune 100 companies are using global Ombuds programs to empower employees.

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Webinar: MARC Talks Mental Fitness: Being an Advocate for Inclusion in Challenging Times

In this webinar, hear from men and women who have used MARC to create sustainable gender equality change in their organizations.

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Canada Virtual Roundtable: Développer une culture inclusive de la santé mentale en organisation

Cette année, le mois de la santé mentale prend toute une autre signification. Selon une récente étude, 81% des canadiens affirment que la pandémie actuelle affecte leur santé mentale. Alors que les employés vivent un niveau élevé d’inquiétude et d’anxiété concernant leur santé et sécurité de celles de leurs proches, force est de constater qu’il […]

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Catalyst Community: Deloitte Winner Spotlight—“Inspiring Women.”

Catalyst Community: Deloitte Winner Spotlight—“Inspiring Women.” Deloitte is committed to advancing a diverse workforce while ensuring that all its people thrive in an inclusive culture where they feel a sense of belonging and can grow. This is well illustrated by Deloitte Australia’s Inspiring Women initiative, which took a sustained, strategic and scalable approach to drive […]

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Japan Virtual Roundtable: 「危機に接してこそInclusiveに~これからの組織運営を支えるD&I」

Registration for this event has ended.  For questions, please contact Tsuki Tsukahara. 新型コロナ感染症拡大防止の観点からイベントが延期となっておりましたが、この度、5月19日(火)にEY Japanのご協力により、Webベースでのイベントを開催する運びとなりました。 世界的な脅威となっている新型コロナ感染症の拡大は、否応なしに求められる在宅勤務と同時に増大するケアワークの問題、人種や経済格差が健康格差に直結してしまうという問題など、ダイバーシティ&インクルージョンに取り組む我々にとっても、様々な新たな課題を投げかけてきています。一方で、危機的な状況だからこそ、ダイバーシティが組織の意思決定の質を高め、インクルージョンが人々のエンゲージメントを高めることも期待され、また実際にそのような例も見られています。 今回は、短期的に危機を乗り越えるためだけでなく、場合によって長期戦となりそうな現況をどのように受け止め、あるいは共生していくのか、ダイバーシティ&インクルージョンの視点も踏まえて、カタリスト・サポーター企業の経営層からゲストスピーカーを迎えて議論します。 D&I実務担当者の方々はもちろんのこと、マネジメント層から若手社員の皆様まで、コロナ後の世界を見据えて仕事をされている全ての方々にご参加頂けます。 本イベントは、カタリストのサポーター企業の皆様限定となっております。参加費は無料です。今回は、Webベースですので、各企業様からのご参加者数の上限は特にありませんが、当日のログイン情報をご送付する都合上、事前のご登録をお願い致します。 ゲストスピーカーの使用言語は主に日本語です(同時通訳のご用意はありません)。   当日のアジェンダ: 1.オープニング 2.パネルディスカッション <予定パネリスト> EY Japan リージョナル・チーフ・オペレーティング・オフィサー 貴田守亮 氏 AIG ジャパン・ホールディングス 執行役員 広報部門担当/ 兼広報部長 林原麻里子 氏 カタリスト アドバイザー 塚原月子 (モデレータ) 3.Q&Aセッション   スピーカー (Speakers) Mr. Moriaki Kida Regional Chief Operating Officer EY Japan Ms. Mariko Hayashibara Corporate Officer/ Head of Corporate Communications, AIG Japan […]

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COVID-19: Don’t Let the Crisis Go To Waste

Catalyst President & CEO Lorraine Hariton joins our partners at Global Mentor Network for this timely conversation and will share her expertise along with Alexis Krivkovich, managing partner for McKinsey San Francisco, on how leaders can find opportunities to transform businesses for the better in this time of great disorientation and as the pandemic wears on.

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Webinar: Leading with Resiliency: Celebrating Asian Heritage

Learn more recommendations and best practices to combat racism in the workplace from Asian Women Leaders.

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Europe Virtual Roundtable: Spring Clean your Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Strategy

Learn from success stories and challenges from our extensive collection of Catalyst practices.

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Webinar: Future Workplaces that Work for Women: Five Strategies in the COVID-19 Era

Join to get a sneak peek on the five strategies that can guide companies into our new future of work

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Canada Virtual Roundtable: Leveraging ERGs During a Crisis

Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) play a vital role in connecting and engaging people at work.

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Catalyst Community: Medtronic Winner Spotlight —“Igniting Women to Lead Through the Medtronic Women’s Network.”

Medtronic’s commitment to inclusion and diversity is a fully integrated, authentic culture change grounded in data. Through measurable goals and strong top-down accountability, Medtronic is accelerating women’s leadership, closing the gender gap in women in STEM and making a sustainable global impact through the Medtronic Women’s Network (MWN) and its 15,000 members in 68 countries. […]

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Europe Virtual Panel: D&I During COVID19. Not now? Or now more than ever?

Hear from Catalyst experts who will share strategies that your organization can implement and answer questions real-time.

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