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Meet & Greet with Catalyst’s CEO: Bangalore, India

41/3 Mahatma Gandhi Road, Bengaluru 560 001

Learn from Catalyst. Learn from one another. Catalyst President & CEO, Lorraine Hariton, will be visiting India in early February.

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#InclusionNow 2020: Seeing It Through – Bangalore, India

#InclusionNow 2020: Seeing It Through is the second edition conference from Interweave, returning with renewed rigor and commitment towards accelerating inclusion action in workplaces in India.

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Meet & Greet with Catalyst’s CEO: Mumbai, India

503 & 504, 5th Floor, B Wing, Hiranandani Fulcrum, Sahar Road, Andheri (E), Mumbai

Learn from Catalyst. Learn from one another. Catalyst President & CEO, Lorraine Hariton, will be visiting India in early February. Timed to this visit, we are delighted to offer our India community the opportunity to gather with Lorraine to discuss and share thoughts, reactions, and the regional applicability on Catalyst's growing Future of Work expertise […]

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Webinar: Intersecting Identities and the Impact of Emotional Tax

In this webinar, learn about the effects of the intersecting dimensions of difference, explore tools and tips to reduce the consequences of Emotional Tax in your organization, and identify ways to ensure that the people of color working at your company can contribute to their highest potential and thrive.

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Webinar: How to Apply for the 2021 Catalyst Award

Join us February 20th as our Award Co-Chairs will talk through the rigorous and worthwhile process.

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Getting Real About Inclusive Leadership, Toronto ON

22 Bay Adelaide Centre, East Tower, Adelaide St West, 34th Floor, Toronto, ON, M5H 4E3

What are Six Manager Behaviours That Predict Inclusion? Join us February 24th to discuss the our key findings.

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Getting Real About Inclusive Leadership, Diegem, Belgium

Pegasus Park, De Kleetlaan 12A, Diegem, 1831

Join us for a discussion on the 6 manager behaviours that predict inclusion and how these experiences can tangibly benefit companies.

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MARC Leaders Workshop: Creating Partnership for Change – London, UK (Sold Out!)

MARC Leaders is an immersive and interactive 1.5-day cross-company workshop that inspires participants to stand up for gender equity.

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International Women’s Day 2020: Now Is The Moment To #BiasCorrect

International Women’s Day (IWD) is an annual day of awareness-building and celebration, dedicated to accelerating the progress of women’s social, economic, cultural, and political achievements globally. IWD also marks a call to action for accelerating gender equality throughout workplaces globally. Some of the more systemic challenges to successfully advancing women and inclusive cultures throughout workplaces […]

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Psychological Safety – What Is It and How Do We Promote It? London, UK

20 Carlton House Terrace, St. James's, London, England, SW1Y 5AN

Given the growing concerns around COVID-19 and as a reflection of our values, we have made the decision to cancel the following event. For questions, please email John Whalen.  When we talk about feeling ‘safe’ at work, what first comes to mind is our physical or functional safety. However, how safe do you feel psychologically? […]

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Leveraging Diverse Talent by Engaging in Inclusive Leadership

Taunusturm | Taunustor 1-3 | 60310, Frankfurt/M

Catalyst and AMCham Germany host a workshop which provides and opportunity to learn how we can better leverage diverse talent by engaging in behaviors that foster inclusion.   What separates a great manager from a mediocre one? According to Catalyst’s global report, Inclusive Leadership: The View From Six Countries, it’s the ability to lead with […]

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International Women’s Day

International Women's Day (March 8) is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. The day also marks a call to action for accelerating gender parity. International Women's Day (IWD) has occurred for well over a century, with the first​ ​IWD gathering in 1911 supported by over a million people in […]

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CANCELLED: 2020 Catalyst Awards Conference

UPDATE,  MARCH 5: Due to growing concerns about the coronavirus outbreak, Catalyst has cancelled the 2020 Catalyst Awards Conference and Dinner. Find out more information here. We have been tremendously moved by the generous support from our community as these events are by far our organization’s single largest fundraiser, providing a significant portion of our […]

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CANCELLED: Unconscious Bias: Let’s Talk About It! Tokyo, Japan

In order to avoid pandemic coronavirus infections, this event has been postponed until further notice. If you have questions, please contact Tsuki Tsukahara. 新型コロナウィルス感染症拡大防止のため、本イベントは延期とさせて頂きます。時機が整いましたら改めてご案内させて頂きます。 ご質問がありましたら、塚原月子までお問い合わせください。 次回のカタリストイベントは、3月12日(木)にEY Japanのご協力により開催されます。 悪気なく発せられる一言-その中には、ジェンダーステレオタイプに裏打ちされたアンコンシャスバイアスが潜んでいることも少なくありません。カタリストは、2020年のInternational Women’s Dayにちなみ、日常の一言に潜むジェンダー・アンコンシャスバイアスへの気づきを促す全世界的キャンペーンを展開します。本イベントでは、キャンペーン・ツールをご紹介しつつ、カタリスト・サポーター企業の魅力的なゲストスピーカーが、自身の体験やマネジメントの視点を交えながら、ジェンダー・アンコンシャスバイアスに切り込みます。 International Women’s Dayを記念してカタリスト・サポーター企業のネットワークにて過ごされたい女性の皆様やD&I実務担当者の方々はもちろんのこと、マネジメント層から若手社員の皆様まて、身近なジェンダー・アンコンシャスバイアスの克服にご関心をお寄せ頂いている全ての方々にご参加頂けます。 本イベントは、カタリストのサポーター企業の皆様限定となっております。参加費は無料です。(お席の数の都合上、各企業様2名程度を上限とさせて頂きます) ゲストスピーカーの使用言語は主に日本語です(今回は、同時通訳のご用意はありません)。 入館管理の都合上、事前にご登録のない方は、ご参加頂くことができませんので、ご注意ください。   当日のアジェンダ: 1.ネットワーキング&オープニング 2.パネルディスカッション <予定パネリスト> ・EY Japan リージョナル・チーフ・オペレーティング・オフィサー 貴田守亮 氏 ・AIG ジャパン・ホールディングス 執行役員 広報部門担当/ 兼広報部長 林原麻里子 氏 ・カタリスト アドバイザー 塚原月子 (モデレータ) 3.ファシリテーション付きショート・ディスカッション 4.クロージング&ネットワーキングレセプション   スピーカー (Speakers) Mr. Moriaki […]

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CANCELLED: MARC Leaders Workshop: Creating Partnership for Change – Bridgewater, NJ

MARC Leaders is an immersive and interactive 1.5-day cross-company workshop that inspires participants to stand up for gender equity.

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CANCELLED: Les STEM en 2020 : témoignages, enjeux, pistes de solutions, Montréal QC

600, rue De La gauchetière Ouest, 2e étage, (Québec), Canada,, Montréal, H3B 4L2

Given the growing concerns around COVID-19 and as a reflection of our values, we have made the decision to cancel the following event. For questions, please email Sherazad Adib. Aujourd’hui, avec les progrès technologiques et la transformation numérique dans la plupart des secteurs économiques, de nombreux emplois changent et de nouveaux profils professionnels apparaissent. Leur […]

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VIRTUAL EVENT: Women in STEM Roundtable

How can companies attract, retain, and develop high-potential talent within these tech-intensive roles? Join us March 25th!

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VIRTUAL EVENT: Conversation with Catalyst’s President & CEO, Lorraine Hariton


Join us for a virtual discussion with Catalyst’s CEO & President, Lorraine Hariton, to hear about upcoming workplace trends.

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CANCELLED: Interrupting Unconscious Bias, Building Inclusive Workplaces, Mississauga, ON

| 4980 Tahoe Blvd,, Mississauga, ON, L4W 0C7

Given the growing concerns around COVID-19 and as a reflection of our values, we have made the decision to postpone the following event until further notice. For questions, please email [email protected].  Unconscious biases: we all have them. They are automatic and efficient mental shortcuts and associations. However, they can have a huge impact on talent management […]

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