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Leading your hybrid team inclusively

Executive summary

Quickly get up to speed on leading hybrid teams inclusively. In a time of accelerating change, technology has completely restructured where, when, and how work gets done. As with fully on-site teams, it’s possible to develop an innovative, collaborative, and inclusive hybrid team environment, but managers need the right tools and skills. This Knowledge Burst includes two downloadable tools, Communication Charter Template for Hybrid Teams  (a template to help managers and their reports establish communication norms) and Bringing Humanity to a Digital World (provides tips on how every person can build a positive, inclusive hybrid culture).

Through this 15-minute Knowledge burst course, you will learn:

  • Benefits for embracing hybrid work on your team.
  • Research-driven approaches for navigating the complexity of hybrid teams.
  • Understanding proximity bias and how to mitigate its effects.
  • The importance of intentional communication in a hybrid workplace.

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