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Why leaders must connect more during times of crisis


By  Emily Shaffer, PhD

Executive summary

Showing openness and vulnerability strengthens teams.

Many of us have an impulse to connect with others during moments of crisis by showing openness and vulnerability. It can be hard to make progress, however, when our managers don’t foster a sense of connection with and among employees.

We need leaders who foster these vital connections to innovate and set the tone for an organization’s response. Yet a recent survey of over 12,000 employees found that only 39% of respondents said their manager often or always displayed openness. Even fewer—24%—said their manager was often or always vulnerable.

These low numbers indicate that managers don’t fully understand how crucial connections are to positive work outcomes like employees’ creativity, dedication, and willingness to go “above and beyond” to contribute—all essential elements to success during crisis.

This piece shows how important openness and vulnerability are to work teams and how managers can demonstrate these traits in a work setting.

How to cite this product: Shaffer, E. & Neal, S. (2021). Why leaders must connect more during times of crisis. Catalyst.

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