Supporter content

Overcoming conversation roadblocks

Executive summary

Traditionally, we have been taught that talking about aspects of our identity (e.g., race, ethnicity, or gender) in the workplace is taboo. But we need to start talking to achieve workplace inclusion and make those connections across differences. To do this successfully, we must acknowledge—and work through—conversation roadblocks that prevent us from engaging with those around us.

In today’s workplaces, developing authentic relationships, fostering collaboration, and constructively resolving conflict can all help individuals share ideas, different viewpoints, and “outsider” perspectives that can lead to complex discussions that will benefit your business.

In this 10-minute Knowledge Burst you will learn:

  • To identify common roadblocks to starting conversations across race, ethnicity, and gender.
  • Simple skills to overcome these roadblocks.

We recommend taking Connecting across differences and/or So you want to learn about race and racism—two other Knowledge burst courses—prior to this course, either through Catalyst or through your Learning Management System.

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