


Content Type





MARC Foundations Courses

In three e-learning modules, this course provides employees with a compact introduction to MARC and the topic of gender partnership. Participants of all genders will explore key concepts around men’s […]

illustration of two people standing behind a brick wall with a few holes in it
Emotional Tax

CatalystX Discussion Facilitation Guide – Facing Racism and Emotional Tax in the Workplace (Tool)

This Supporter-Only post-course discussion facilitation guide is for organizations to drive home learnings from the CatalystX course, Facing Racism and Emotional Tax in the Workplace.

Race, Ethnicity, and Culture

A Course on Emotional Tax and Racism: 6 Perspectives (Blog Post)

"I had no idea the journey it would take me through," said Human Resources Senior Director about new course.

What Happens When Invisible Barriers Are Put on Display (Video)

This conversation was part of The Female Quotient’s Equality Lounge®️ @ SXSW 2021. Catalyst President & CEO Lorraine Hariton and VP of Strategic Engagement Serena Fong discussed how unconscious bias […]

A woman taking notes as she learns on her laptop.
Race, Ethnicity, and Culture

14 Racial Equity Terms You Should Know (Blog Post)

Learn the vocabulary you'll need for conversations about antiracism in the workplace.

Canada Roundtable: Gender Equity Beyond the Gender Pay Gap

Gender equity has the power to lift businesses, economies, and entire societies to greater success. But until women achieve parity in business leadership roles, they will be marginalized in every […]

Race, Ethnicity, and Culture

Cultural Sensitivity in Global Workplaces: Flip the Script (Infographic)

These scripts help you start to get to know colleagues better without unintentionally devaluing their heritage and history.

MARC Practices image

Getting to Know MARC (Practices)

MARC—Men Advocating Real Change—is a Catalyst initiative that inspires men to leverage their unique opportunity and responsibility to be advocates for equity.

Organizational Culture Change

10 Key Takeaways From the 2021 Catalyst Awards (Blog Post)

The 2021 Catalyst Awards, our largest event ever, affirmed that progress won’t pause, because equity can’t wait.

Race, Ethnicity, and Culture

“Open the Kimono”: A Misogynist and Racist Business Phrase (Blog Post)

Racist and misogynist language can lead to tragic outcomes, such as the March 2021 Atlanta murders of Asian American women.

Gender Representation

Catalyst Welcomes Accenture CEO Julie Sweet as New Board Chair (Media Release)

Catalyst welcomes Accenture CEO Julie Sweet as new Board chair and eight new Board members driving workplace equity and inclusion.

Inclusive Future of Work

Empathy in the Workplace: Flip the Script (Infographic)

Practice building your empathy skills to form stronger bonds with team members and foster an inclusive workplace for everyone.

Pay Equity, A Real-World Approach

Join us for an overview of how to successfully implement a pay equity approach in an organization. Dan Bird, Director of Executive Compensation at Boston Scientific Corporation, will share BSC’s […]

Leela Wilson

Chief Revenue Officer

Inclusive Leadership

Chobani Founder & CEO on Putting Humanity First (Blog Post)

Hamdi Ulukaya, Founder/CEO, Chobani, shares how diversity and inclusion have been the key to his company’s success.

Pay Gap & Transparency

Virtual Roundtable: Gender Equity Beyond the Pay Gap

Join to explore how to build inclusive teams today so your organization and communities can reap the benefits tomorrow.

Organizational Culture Change

Catalyst's #Biascorrect Campaign for International Women’s Day (Media Release)

Campaign provides virtual backgrounds to call out bias in the workplace.

Bias & Stereotypes

International Women’s Day (Webinar Recording)

Listen to some of the most prominent and influential leaders in gender equality for a powerful conversation about “Choosing to Challenge” the workplace and societal norms and defaults of the past, toward building a more inclusive, equitable, and bias-free future for all.

How to Apply for the Catalyst Award 2022 (Webinar Recording)

Learn more as our Award Chair shares insights about the rigorous and worthwhile process and details for submitting an application.

MARC Leadership Learning Series – Virtual Global

MARC Leadership Learning Series is an immersive and interactive virtual learning program for senior leaders that inspires participants to deepen understanding, enhance gender partnership and inclusive leadership skills, and promote advocacy for gender equity.