


Content Type





Five Things The World Needs To Know About Fathers (Blog Post)

Fathers are having a powerful impact, helping to challenge the status quo and #DisruptTheDefault for their daughters and sons.

Inclusive Leadership

Leading From The Heart (Blog Post)

Feminists have frequently borrowed an expression from Isaac Newton, who gave credit to his predecessors when he said, “If I have seen further, it’s because I have stood on the shoulders of giants.”

Three Extraordinary Business Leaders Recognized for Advancing Women and Championing Inclusive Workplaces (Media Release)

Catalyst Canada announced the names of the 2015 Catalyst Canada Honours Champions, exceptional corporate leaders who have made transformational contributions to advancing women in their organizations, industries, and communities by championing inclusive workplaces: Bill Thomas, CEO of KPMG in Canada; Cynthia Hansen, Senior Vice President, Enbridge Pipelines Inc.; and Colleen Moorehead, Chief Client Officer, Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP.

Sponsorship and Mentoring

Manulife Japan – Developing Women Talent (Practices)

Manulife Japan is enhancing women employees' capability to develop, advance, and grow their representation in leadership levels.


Five Things LGBT People Have Now That They Didn’t When Pride Month Was First Celebrated (Blog Post)

Former President Bill Clinton declared June Gay & Lesbian Pride Month in 2000. Pride Month has since evolved to include the celebration of bisexual and transgender people as well. This June we’re celebrating big wins for the LGBT community—and taking a look at what a difference 15 years makes!


Ask Deborah: What Have You Learned From The Fight For LGBT Rights? (Blog Post)

In honor of LGBT Pride Month, we are using June’s column to share Deborah’s personal experience with LGBT advocacy and her advice on how to be an ally in this critical area.

Mikhaila Nodel Cosmic Cuties
Organizational Culture Change

Profile in Disruption: Girls Are Awesome the Way They Are (Blog Post)

Meet: Mikhaila Nodel, a 17-year-old high school student and activist from Brooklyn, New York.

Inclusive Leadership: A Business Imperative (Webinar Recording)

This webinar focused on what inclusion is, why it is so important to a company's culture, and how companies and employees perceive and foster inclusive leadership behaviors.


Advancing Women in Tech-Intensive Industries: Transforming Organizational Cultures (Tool)

This interactive tool will help your tech-intensive organization become an employer of choice for high-potential women.

Pay Gap & Transparency

More Real-Life Stories Of Unequal Pay (Blog Post)

Every year on Equal Pay Day, Catalyst blogs about the frustratingly persistent gender pay gap. This year, we decided to go beyond the numbers and ask real women to share their stories of pay inequity in their own words. We included two such stories on our blog last week; below are two more. We are sorry to say there are more to come.

Profile In Disruption: Standing Still Is NOT An Option (Blog Post)

Meet: Pia Höök, Global Diversity Manager for Skanska Group, a global project development and construction company concentrated on home markets in Europe and North America.

Race, Ethnicity, and Culture

Catalyst’s Women Of Color Summit: A New Course Of Action (Blog Post)

Women in the workplace are often confronted with obstacles that impede their advancement to leadership positions. For women of color, visible minority women, and indigenous women, these obstacles are affected by the intersections of race, ethnicity, class, and gender.

Recruitment and Retention

Determining Actions for Inclusive Policies and Practices (Tool)

This interactive tool will help you understand the strengths, challenges, and opportunities for improvement in your organization's practices and policies.

Organizational Culture Change

6 Ways This Year’s Catalyst Award-Winning Initiatives Are Disrupting The Default (Blog Post)

We are celebrating Chevron’s US-based initiative, The Chevron Way: Engineering Opportunities for Women and Procter & Gamble’s Everyone Valued, Everyone Included, Everyone Performing at Their Peak™ at today’s Catalyst Awards Conference and Dinner!

2015 Catalyst Award Goes to Initiatives from Chevron and Procter & Gamble (Media Release)

Catalyst honors initiatives from Chevron and Procter & Gamble with its prestigious Catalyst Award, recognizing these companies' success in creating workplaces where women and men have equal opportunity to advance and lead.

Organizational Culture Change

Men Who Get It: Lack Of Diversity Stifles Innovation (Blog Post)

What’s at stake if we don’t get more women into leadership positions? The innovation, progression, and longevity of a company.

Five Things To Say Instead Of “Sorry” (Blog Post)

Here’s a quick list of some common reasons women are quick to say “sorry”—and five things we could be saying instead!

Race, Ethnicity, and Culture

Profile In Disruption: Disrupting The Default For Women Of Color (Blog Post)

As we reflect on the strides and accomplishments made by African Americans during Black History Month, we’re also faced with the reality that women of color are still confronted with hurdles in the workplace. They’re often stereotyped, have limited opportunities, and they’re on the low end of the wage gap.

Inclusive Leadership

Become an Inclusive Leader in Two Easy Steps (Blog Post)

Catalyst’s first MOOC (Massive Online Open Course) is called “Inclusive Leadership Training: Becoming a Successful Leader.” It’s an introduction to inclusive leadership, a practice that brings out the best in people by emphasizing the importance of traits like accountability, empowering others, and being courageous and humble.

Gender Representation

Profiles In Disruption: Breaking Barriers In The Boardroom (Blog Post)

Trewstar is a boutique search firm that focuses on placing qualified women on Fortune 500 boards. Since 2013, Trewstar has placed 18 women on boards—many of them first-time directors.