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Black leader boss talk with company diverse staff at break resting after business meeting, discuss negotiations results having successful working day, corporate team communication, leadership concept.
Inclusive Leadership

Are You an Inclusive Leader? (Quiz)

See if you are a leader who is creating an inclusive culture where team members can belong, contribute, and thrive.

Catalyst Announces 2015 Catalyst Award-Winning Initiatives (Media Release)

Catalyst announces that strategic talent management initiatives from Chevron and Procter & Gamble are the recipients of the 2015 Catalyst Award, the prestigious annual award honoring exceptional and innovative initiatives that expand opportunities for women and businesses globally.

Catalyst Award Winner

Procter & Gamble – Everyone Valued, Everyone Included, Everyone Performing at Their Peak™ (Practices)

Learn about Procter & Gamble's (P&G) global initiative, Everyone Valued, Everyone Included, Everyone Performing at Their Peak™

Catalyst Award Winner

Chevron Corporation – The Chevron Way: Engineering Opportunities for Women (Practices)

Chevron’s initiative, The Chevron Way: Engineering Opportunities for Women, is designed to strengthen the organization by increasing the company’s focus on people, in particular by attracting, retaining, developing, and advancing […]

Race, Ethnicity, and Culture

Millennial Voices: Keeping The Dream Alive (Blog Post)

Until we can unanimously accept that America’s race problem has not evaporated, but instead has in some ways become even more deeply entrenched in our culture and collective psyche, we cannot hope to move beyond it. It’s

Gender Representation

Disrupting The Default: Gender Diversity On Corporate Boards (Blog Post)

Catalyst releases its annual Census of women in business every winter. This year, we tried something new: our first-ever global census of women board directors.

Gender Representation

Companies Behaving Responsibly: Gender Diversity on Boards (Report)

This report highlights how gender-diverse boards are good for business and society.

Inclusive Leadership

3M – Global Leadership Behaviors: A Platform for Inclusion, Talent Development, and Cultural Transformation (Practices)

In 2012, Inge Thulin, 3M’s newly appointed CEO began with a systematic approach to creating higher levels of organizational performance. This resulted in the development of a new set of […]

Gender Representation

2014 Catalyst Census: Women Board Directors (Report)

Find out how many women held board seats in the S&P 500 and S&P/TSX 60 in 2014.

Inclusive Leadership

Ask Deborah: What’s The Most Important Lesson You’ve Learned In Your First Year On The Job? (Blog Post)

In this month’s Ask Deborah, a column we created to help readers get to know her better, we asked Deborah to share the most important lesson she’s learned in her first year in the top job.

Sponsorship and Mentoring

Coaches, Mentors, and Sponsors: Understanding the Differences (Infographic)

You can't get ahead without help from other people. Find out how different people can help in different ways.

Bias & Stereotypes

What Is Covering? (Infographic)

People often "cover" stigmatized parts of their identity to fit in. Learn how it affects their sense of self.

Gender Representation

United for Boardroom Diversity in Canada: Business and Government Leaders, Regulators and Advocates Come Together to Accelerate Pace of Change (Media Release)

Catalyst Canada and partners EY, the International Women’s Forum, and the 30% Club gathered a prominent group of CEOs, board chairs, government leaders, regulators, and advocates to address the importance of accelerating change on boards and to outline steps that leaders can take to diversify their boards, executive committees, and talent pipelines.


The adidas Group – Promoting Fair Play Through Work-Life Integration (Practices)

The adidas Group offers work-life benefits and more to their employees.


The Gender Divide in Tech-Intensive Industries (Infographic)

Get the facts about the leaky pipeline of women in STEM industries and how to fix it.


High Potentials in Tech-Intensive Industries: The Gender Divide in Business Roles (Report)

This report identifies the gender gap women experience working in business roles in tech-intensive industries from day one.

Catalyst Canada Welcomes Finalization of Canadian Securities Regulators’ Rule Amendments Requiring Disclosure of Women on Boards and in Senior Management (Media Release)

Catalyst Canada congratulated securities regulators in nine jurisdictions across the country on the finalization of new rule amendments requiring issuers to disclose policy practices regarding the representation of women on boards and in executive officer positions. 


No More ‘Boys Jobs’ and ‘Girl Jobs’ (Blog Post)

Challenge our own assumptions.

Employee Resource Groups

Moss Adams LLP – Forum W: Increasing Opportunities for Women in Public Accounting (Practices)

By developing a women's network, Moss Adams achieved many key objectives for their women employees.


Capitalize on Your Commitment to Diversity (Blog Post)

Lessons learned on promoting equality.