


Content Type




Sponsorship and Mentoring

The 1990 Institute – Spring Bud Project (Practices)

The 1990 Institute Spring Bud Project was created to educate 1,000 girls in the Shaanxi Province.

Organizational Culture Change

Natura – Fostering Innovation, Empowering Employees, and Developing Communities: Sustainability for Business and Society (Practices)

Learn about Natura's efforts at sustaining the communities within which it operates.

Women CEOs

2012 Catalyst Census: Financial Post 500 Women Senior Officers and Top Earners (Report)

Census tracking women's roles in senior officer positions.


Vital Signs: Using Your Data to Close the Gaps (Tool)

This tool uses a guided approach to show you how to apply a diversity lens to your workforce data.


Vital Signs: PowerPoint Template (Tool)

This powerful PPT template can help you analyze your data to close gender gaps at your organization.

Catalyst Award Winner

Unilever – Global Reach With Local Roots: Creating a Gender-Balanced Workforce in Different Cultural Contexts (Practices)

Unilever’s initiative, Global Reach With Local Roots: Creating a Gender-Balanced Workforce in Different Cultural Contexts, accelerates the advancement of high-potential women across different regions and leverages the company’s strong foundation […]

Catalyst Award Winner

Alcoa Inc. – Building Opportunities for Women in a “Hard Hat” Company (Practices)

In the midst of hard economic times, Alcoa’s initiative Building Opportunities for Women in a “Hard Hat” Company is increasing women’s representation in leadership roles and promoting gender inclusion in a male-dominated […]

Catalyst Award Winner

The Coca-Cola Company – Global Women’s Initiative: Women as the Real Drivers of the 21st Century (Practices)

The Coca-Cola Company’s Global Women’s Initiative: Women as the Real Drivers of the 21st Century seeks to advance women internally and economically empower women externally. Initiated and driven by the […]

Sponsorship and Mentoring

Cisco Systems, Inc. – Developing Women: Cisco’s Executive Shadowing Program (Practices)

Cisco’s Executive Shadowing program began in 2009 as a grassroots effort to develop women employees by pairing Cisco executives with talented women across business functions. Unlike many diversity and inclusion […]

Gender Representation

2012 Catalyst Census: Fortune 500 Women Board Directors (Report)

This census provides critical statistics to gauge women's advancement into leadership and highlights the gender diversity gap.

Women CEOs

2012 Catalyst Census: Fortune 500 Women Executive Officers and Top Earners (Report)

The 2012 Catalyst Census provides critical statistics to gauge women's advancement into leadership and highlights the gender diversity gap.

Career Advancement

Career Pathways 1: Assessing Your Career Advancement Strategies (Tool)

This first tool provides interactive self-assessments designed to help you develop a greater understanding of your current career advancement strategies.

Career Advancement

Career Pathways 2: Building Workplace Relationship Self-Awareness (Tool)

This second tool provides interactive self-assessments to help you gain a better understanding of how key workplace relationships and interactions can benefit your career. 

Career Advancement

Career Pathways 3: Applying Proven Career Advancement Techniques (Tool)

This third tool in the Career Pathways Toolkit includes self-guided activities designed to help you develop or redesign your career advancement action plan.

Sponsorship and Mentoring

Optimizing Mentoring Programs for Women of Color (Tool)

This tool provides assistance in developing new or refocusing existing mentoring programs on diverse women.

Recruitment and Retention

Good Intentions, Imperfect Execution? Women Get Fewer of the “Hot Jobs” Needed to Advance (Report)

This report examines the impact of leadership development—both formal programs and on-the-job experiences—on high potentials' career advancement.

Recruitment and Retention

The Promise of Future Leadership: A Research Program on Highly Talented Employees in the Pipeline

2009 – 2015 Catalyst’s longitudinal project, The Promise of Future Leadership: A Research Program on Highly Talented Employees in the Pipeline, followed the careers of graduates of leading business schools […]

Sponsorship and Mentoring

Nationwide – Touch Point Program (Practices)

Nationwide places a strategic focus on people, which includes developing talent. For employees at the 85-year-old insurance and finance organization, visibility and building both formal and informal relationships is important […]

Sponsorship and Mentoring

Lloyds Banking Group – Championing Diversity to Build a Strong Talent Pipeline (Practices)

When Lloyds and HBOS merged to become Lloyds Banking Group in 2009, executives used it as an opportunity to review gender diversity programs and assess its progress since 2000. In […]

Gender Representation

Setting the Record Straight

Catalyst’s Setting the Record Straight series used hard evidence derived primarily from Catalyst Fortune 500 and Financial Post 500 Census data to debunk myths about women in corporate leadership.