


Content Type




DEI Messaging

Leadership Gap in India Inc.: Myths and Realities (Report)

In this report, we focus on building awareness and offering action steps for developing and advancing women in corporate India.


AB Volvo – Walk the Talk (Practices)

Implemented in 1998, Walk the Talk seeks to promote greater awareness and understanding of gender and leadership issues and their impact on Volvo’s business development, managers, and the organization as […]


Ernst & Young LLP – Cultivating Men as Allies (Practices)

An Ernst & Young priority is the engagement of men as gender champions and allies. The Diversity team, along with a male coach, designed focus groups to better understand the male perspective.

Multigenerational Workplace

Credit Suisse – Reverse Mentoring: Engaging Generational Difference (Practices)

Credit Suisse’s Reverse Mentoring: Engaging Generational Difference pairs senior leaders with junior employees to educate senior employees about diversity, provide visibility to the junior employees, and improve cross-generational and cross-level […]

Allyship and Advocacy

The Boeing Company – Training Employees to Become Agents of Change (Practices)

One of The Boeing Company’s major diversity initiatives is to increase openness and communication among all team members by building awareness and breaking down barriers. Boeing set out to accomplish […]

Employee Resource Groups

Building Cultural Awareness: Questions to Ask Before Adapting a Women’s Initiative to a New Region (Tool)

Use this tool to guide your org's efforts at making a women's initiative work in new region.

Flexible Work

Dow Corning – Leaders and Managers Driving WLE (Practices)

Beginning in 2004, Dow Corning began to proactively increase flexibility within the work environment in order to support and retain employees. The executive leadership designated global no-meeting weeks that enable […]

Organizational Culture Change

Infosys – Driving Work-Life Effectiveness Through Employee Empowerment at Infosys (Practices)

A central component of Infosys’ strategy was the creation of the role of global counselors, who ensure that women and men are effectively supported in their careers and personal lives.

Recruitment and Retention

Sara Lee Corporation – Recruiting and Retaining Top Talent With Returnships (Practices)

Sara Lee’s Returnship program was launched in 2009 as part of an initiative to attract and retain mid-level career professionals interested in re-entering the workforce after an extended leave. The […]

Flexible Work

DuPont – Embedding a Flexible Mindset (Practices)

Efforts to improve employee work-life effectiveness are a fundamental element of attracting, retaining, and motivating DuPont’s highly talented workforce. For example, when establishing flexible work schedules, DuPont employees and managers […]


Morgan Stanley – Keep Your Balance (Practices)

In an intense and active industry, finding the right balance between home and career is not an easy task. One of Morgan Stanley’s business principles is “Keep your balance,” and to help employees with this task, the firm offers a wide range of programs.


McCarthy Tétrault LLP – Increasing Retention of Women Lawyers: The Parental Leave Program (Practices)

To bring the retention of women lawyers further into alignment with the firm’s progressive history of recruiting women, McCarthy Tétrault transformed the various regional parental leave policies into a firm-wide supportive and comprehensive Parental Leave Program.

Organizational Culture Change

Best Buy – Enhanced Flexibility: Results-Only Work Environment at Best Buy (Practices)

Implemented in 2002 in response to employee survey data in which employees indicated that greater trust and flexibility would make Best Buy an employer of choice, Best Buy’s “Results-Only Work […]

Flexible Work

Capital One – FWS Flexible Work Solutions (Practices)

Capital One created its Flexible Work Solutions (FWS) initiative to enhance organizational performance and real-estate asset utilization while supporting better work-life integration for its thousands of associates.

Flexible Work

Axiom – A New Model in Law Firm Work-Life Effectiveness (Practices)

Axiom’s practice is a modern interpretation of the traditional law firm that offers clients the flexibility of outside counsel with the integration and cost efficiency of in-house counsel. Unlike traditional […]

Flexible Work

Deloitte & Touche LLP – Mass Career Customization at Deloitte: A New Model for Building Careers and Developing Talent (Practices)

Deloitte’s Mass Career Customization (MCC) framework deconstructs careers into four primary dimensions (pace, workload, location and schedule, and role) to provide a structured approach that facilitates collaboration between employees and […]

Multigenerational Workplace

Beyond Generational Differences: Bridging Gender and Generational Diversity at Work (Report)

As a result of demographic shifts, technologies, and focus on team-based approaches, generational diversity has become salient in many organizations.

Recruitment and Retention

Manpower – Talent Development Program (Practices)

Manpower’s Talent Development Program helps objectively identify high-potentials and create and sustain a pool of talented, experienced employees from which to fill open positions. The program has four main components: […]

Inclusive Leadership

Ernst & Young LLP – Inclusiveness Roundtable Champions (Practices)

During annual performance review meetings—called Roundtables—each Ernst & Young business unit across the United States and Canada provides an Inclusiveness Roundtable Champion (IRC). IRCs actively participate in Roundtable discussions to […]

Recruitment and Retention

RBC (Royal Bank of Canada) – Integrating Diversity and Inclusion into Talent Management (Practices)

RBC’s diversity priorities include being a recognized leader in workforce diversity at all levels of the organization; being the financial institution of choice for diverse client markets; and leveraging diversity […]