


Content Type




Catalyst Award Winner

The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. – Securing Talent and Excellence in the Pipeline: The Senior Women’s Initiative (Practices)

Goldman Sachs’ Securing Talent and Excellence in the Pipeline: The Senior Women’s Initiative is a global effort that aims to increase the number of senior women business leaders by supporting […]


After-School Worries: Tough on Parents, Bad for Business (Report)

PCAST is an equal-opportunity concern, cutting across gender, race, and rank, from factory floor to executive suite.

Women CEOs

2005 Catalyst Census of Women Corporate Officers and Top Earners of the Fortune 500 (Report)

The 2005 Census shows that growth in the percentage of corporate officer positions held by women slowed to a ten year low.

Bias & Stereotypes

Different Cultures, Similar Perceptions: Stereotyping of Western European Business Leaders (Report)

Catalyst set out to better understand how women's experiences with stereotypes varied in countries across Europe.

Women of Color

Connections that Count: The Informal Networks of Women of Color in the United States (Report)

This is the second report in a series that examines barriers to women's advancement in the workplace.

Gender Representation

2005 Catalyst Census of Women Board Directors of the Fortune 500 (Report)

The report represents the gender diversity of corporate governance at Fortune 500 companies as of April 1, 2005.

Gender Representation

2005 Catalyst Census of Women Board Directors of the FP500 (Report)

In 2005, the story of women in corporate governance in Canada continued to be the same as in previous years: slow growth.

Catalyst Award Winner

Safeway Inc. – Championing Change for Women: An Integrated Strategy (Practices)

Safeway seeks to promote management talent from within, drawing from all levels, including entry-level store employees, to fill its leadership ranks.

Catalyst Award Winner

BP p.l.c. – Global Path to Diversity and Inclusion (Practices)

BP formally launched its current diversity initiative in 2000 by creating a Diversity & Inclusion (D&I) function that is run by Group Vice President of Executive Development and D&I.

Catalyst Award Winner

The Chubb Corporation – Reach Up, Reach Out, and Reach Down (Practices)

Chubb's efforts prepare high-potential women and people of color for leadership positions, while charging them with coaching and mentoring their colleagues.

Gender Bias

Women “Take Care,” Men “Take Charge” – Stereotyping of U.S. Business Leaders Exposed (Report)

This report presents evidence of gender stereotyping in senior managers' evaluations of women and men leaders.

Women CEOs

2004 Catalyst Census of Women Corporate Officers and Top Earners of Canada (Report)

This report gives a company-by-company count of women officers in leading Canadian companies.

Catalyst Award Winner

Georgia-Pacific Corporation – Bridging Cultures, Leveraging Differences (Practices)

This initiative is premised on a strong diversity business case generated by the diversity-of-thought concept, which maintains that different types of thinking stem from different dimensions of diversity.

Catalyst Award Winner

Sidley Austin Brown & Wood LLP – Strategies for Success: An Ongoing Commitment to Diversity (Practices)

The goal of Sidley’s overall diversity effort is three-fold: to increase the firm’s success in retaining women attorneys and attorneys of color; to promote a greater number of women associates and associates of color to partnership; and to promote a greater number of these partners to positions of power within the firm.

Making Change: Creating a Business-Aligned Diversity Scorecard (Tool)

This tool will give you a better understanding of the links between your organization's diversity strategy and its overall business strategy.

2004 EOWA Australian Census of Women in Leadership (Report)

This Census was produced by EOWA, a Catalyst Census Partner.

Recruitment and Retention

Women and Men in U.S. Corporate Leadership: Same Workplace, Different Realities? (Report)

This study measures the attitudes and experiences of Fortune 1000 women and men executives directly below the CEO level.

Catalyst Award Winner

General Electric – Developing Women Leaders: Synergistic Forces Driving Change (Practices)

General Electric uniquely addresses the challenge of talent development by providing management women with the information, experience, and visibility needed to become leaders.

Gender Representation

2003 Catalyst Census of Women Board Directors of Canada (Report)

Take a close look at women in the Canadian boardroom, modeled after the Census of Women Board Directors of the Fortune 500.

Women of Color

Advancing African American Women in the Workplace: What Managers Need to Know (Report)

This report examines the barriers facing African-American women in the workplace.