
See the latest media releases from Catalyst below.

Media Contact: Erin Souza-Rezendes
Senior Director, Global Communications

For media inquiries or to arrange an interview, please contact:






Entering Japan Marketplace, Catalyst Honors Prime Minister Abe (Media Release)

Catalyst announces that it is bringing its global expertise in expanding opportunities for women and business to the Japan market, with the launch of Catalyst Japan, building on the momentum of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s focus on women as key to Japan’s economic growth.

Catalystは日本での活動開始にあたり、 安倍首相に「Catalyst 表彰」を贈呈いたしました

Catalyst (カタリスト)は、日本の女性の社会参画とビジネスの進展に貢献するグローバルな専門知識を日本で共有すべく、このたびCatalyst Japanを創設いたしました。

Inclusive Workplaces Linked to Increased Organizational Performance (Media Release)

According to Catalyst’s new global report, employees who feel included at work are more likely to be innovative and better team players.

Catalyst Honors Award-Winning Initiatives from Kimberly-Clark and Lockheed Martin (Media Release)

The 2014 Catalyst Award will be presented to Kimberly-Clark Corporation and Lockheed Martin Corporation for their innovative initiatives to expand opportunities for women and business.

Les Prix Catalyst 2014 récompensent les initiatives exceptionnelles des sociétés Kimberly-Clark et Lockheed Martin (Communiqué de presse)

Le Prix honorifique Catalyst 2014 sera remis aux sociétés Kimberly-Clark Corporation et Lockheed Martin Corporation pour leurs initiatives innovantes contribuant au développement des opportunités pour les femmes et les affaires.

Catalyst Enters Australia Marketplace (Media Release)

Catalyst announces the launch of Catalyst Australia Women Research and Consulting Limited, its entry into the Australia marketplace with the goal to increase women’s representation and leadership in Australian workplaces and organizations.

Catalyst Census 2013: Meaningful Growth for Women on Boards at Public Companies in Canada (Media Release)

Women’s representation on boards at Canadian public companies increased nearly two percentage points from 2011 to 2013, signaling new momentum for corporate Canada. According to the 2013 Catalyst Census: Financial Post 500 Women Board Directors, women’s representation on boards of public companies increased from 10.3% in 2011 to 12.1% in 2013.

Augmentation significative du nombre de femmes membres de conseils d’administration au sein des sociétés ouvertes au Canada (Communiqué de presse)

La représentation des femmes au sein des conseils d’administration a augmenté de près de deux points au cours des deux dernières années, indiquant une tendance nouvelle dans le monde canadien des affaires.

Catalyst Announces 2014 Catalyst Award-Winning Initiatives (Media Release)

Catalyst announces that initiatives from Kimberly-Clark and Lockheed Martin are the recipients of the 2014 Catalyst Award, the prestigious annual award honoring innovative initiatives that expand opportunities for women and business.

Catalyst Responds to OSC Proposal for Rule Amendments Regarding Disclosure of Women on Boards and in Senior Management (Media Release)

Catalyst applauds recommendations from the Ontario Securities Commission requiring all TSX-listed issuers to disclose policy practices regarding the representation of women on boards and in executive officer positions.

India’s High Potential Women in Technology Aim High But Earn Less (Media Release)

High-potential women in India’s thriving technology sector begin their careers as equals with men, with similar aspirations to the highest levels including that of CEO, according to a new Catalyst report. Despite this very promising start, a gender gap soon results in women earning less and receiving fewer opportunities that lead to advancement, conditions that contribute to fewer women in critical senior-level positions and a pay gap between women and men that expands over time.

Catalyst’s New Report Reveals Key Trends Impacting Women in the World (Media Release)

A 2014 Catalyst report, "Women in the World," shows that advancing women’s employment status globally has a powerful ripple effect, benefitting families, communities, workplaces, economies, and societies at large.