
See the latest media releases from Catalyst below.

Media Contact: Erin Souza-Rezendes
Senior Director, Global Communications

For media inquiries or to arrange an interview, please contact:






Catalyst Canada accueille Tanya van Biesen à titre de directrice générale (Communiqué de presse)

Toronto (le 27 septembre 2016)— Deborah Gillis, présidente et chef de la direction de Catalyst et Bill Downe, président et…

カタリスト 2017年「カタリスト特別賞」公募開始 (メディアリリース)


Catalyst Announces Call for Submissions for the 2017 Catalyst Distinction (Media Release)

Read the Japanese translation of this page. 日本語はこちらのページをご覧下さい。 TOKYO (September 15, 2016)—Catalyst, the leading global nonprofit organization with a mission to accelerate…

Catalyst’s 2016 D&I Logues Conference to Focus on Generating Positive Organizational Change Through Inclusive Leadership (Media Release)

On September 29, Catalyst, the global expert on accelerating progress for women through workplace inclusion, will host its second D&I Logues Conference, which gathers together global leaders and influencers to engage in deep conversations about diversity and inclusion (D&I) efforts throughout India. The event is set to explore how individuals and companies can intentionally enact four inclusive leadership behaviors—Empowerment, Accountability, Courage, and Humility (EACH)—which Catalyst research has associated with team citizenship and employee innovation.

Catalyst Welcomes Loaned P&G Executive Colleen E. Jay (Media Release)

Catalyst, the global expert on accelerating progress for women through workplace inclusion, announced Colleen E. Jay, President, Global Beauty Specialty Businesses at P&G, is joining the organization as a Loaned Senior Executive as of September 2016.

Catalyst Statement on the Latest Amendments to India’s Maternity Benefits Act (Media Release)

Catalyst, the global expert on accelerating progress for women through workplace inclusion, is deeply concerned that the percentage of women in India’s workplaces decreased from 37% in 2004-05 to 29% in 2009-10. While the Indian government has passed the Maternity Benefit (Amendment) Bill, which extends maternity leaves from 12 weeks to 26 weeks, organizations must also further their reintegration-from-leave programs to support the successful return of talented working mothers.

Catalyst Announces 2016 Catalyst Canada Honours Champions (Media Release)

On June 28, 2016, Catalyst announced the 2016 Catalyst Canada Honours Champions—four exceptional corporate leaders who have made transformational contributions to advancing women and inclusion in the workplace. Catalyst also recognized for the first time three “Emerging Leaders” whose intentional leadership has contributed to meaningful progress for inclusion within their organization and community.

Annonce des lauréats des Prix honorifiques Catalyst Canada 2016 (Communiqué de presse)

TORONTO (le 28 juin 2016)—Catalyst Canada a annoncé aujourd’hui le nom des champions des Prix honorifiques Catalyst Canada 2016 –…

New 2015 Catalyst Census: Overwhelming Majority of New Directorships Continue to go to Men, Board Seats for Women Not on Path to Parity (Media Release)

Catalyst, the global expert on accelerating progress for women through workplace inclusion, has released data revealing that although some U.S. companies are prioritizing board diversity—building it into the fabric of their key talent decision-making—they still have a long way to go before women’s representation on their boards and throughout their executive ranks is near parity with men.

Catalyst Statement on Historic 2016 Presidential Nomination (Media Release)

Catalyst, the global expert on accelerating progress for women through workplace inclusion, is proud to see a woman nominated for President of the United States for the first time by one of the country's major political parties. The historic nature of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s candidacy is an unprecedented victory for all women in leadership—proving women can do anything—including successfully climb the ranks of government to compete for the highest office of a country.

Beyond “Comply or Explain”: New Catalyst Report for Ontario Government Makes Bold Recommendations to Advance Women on Boards (Media Release)

Toronto (June 7, 2016)—Canada continues to lag behind other developed nations when it comes to women on boards, and there…

Au-delà de la règle « Se Conformer ou S’expliquer » : un nouveau rapport Catalyst commandé par le gouvernement de l’Ontario émet des recommandations audacieuses visant l’avancement des femmes au sein des conseils d’administration (Communiqué de presse)

Toronto (le 7 juin 2016)— Le Canada continue d’accuser un retard par rapport à d’autres pays développés en matière de…

Catalyst Taps Global Leaders to Champion Board-Ready Women, Gender Diversity on U.S. Corporate Boards (Media Release)

Catalyst, the global expert on accelerating progress for women through workplace inclusion, today announces the inaugural class of its U.S. Women On BoardTM initiative to address the lagging representation of women on boards and the increasing demand for diversity in corporate boardrooms. This U.S.-based, two-year program pairs CEO/board chairs who serve as mentors and sponsors with CEO-endorsed board candidates.

Catalyst Receives Proclamation from New York City Council, Applauds Passage of Bill Promoting Greater Diversity on Boards (Media Release)

Catalyst, the global expert on accelerating progress for women through workplace inclusion, has received a proclamation from the New York City Council for its efforts to promote the advancement and equality of women in the workplace, including support of legislation requiring the Department of Small Business Services (SBS) to produce a voluntary survey to be distributed to all prospective city contractors that would collect racial, ethnic and gender information about their executives and board members.

Catalyst Honors Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Gap Inc. for Diversity and Inclusion Efforts (Media Release)

Catalyst's 2016 Awards Conference and Dinner Honored Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Gap Inc. for Diversity and Inclusion Efforts in the Workplace.

Catalyst rend hommage au premier ministre du Canada, Justin Trudeau, et à Gap Inc. pour leurs efforts en matière de diversité et d’inclusion (Communiqué de presse)

NEW YORK, NY (le 16 mars 2016) — Aujourd’hui, plus de 1 600 invités, parmi lesquels des PDG et des membres…

Tia T. Gordon Named Vice President, Communications, Catalyst (Media Release)

Catalyst, the global leading nonprofit organization with a mission to accelerate progress for women through workplace inclusion, has appointed Tia T. Gordon to the role of Vice President, Communications.

インクルーシブかつ「ゲーム・チェンジャー」としてのリーダーシップを讃えて ジャスティン・トルドー・カナダ首相をカタリストが表彰へ (メディアリリース)


Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to be Honored by Catalyst for Inclusive, “Game-Changing” Leadership (Media Release)

NEW YORK, NY (January 22, 2016)—Catalyst announced today that it will give the Right Honourable Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of…

Le premier ministre canadien Justin Trudeau récompensé pour son leadership inclusif qui change les règles du jeu (Communiqué de presse)

NEW YORK, N.Y. (le 22 janvier 2016)—Catalyst a annoncé aujourd’hui qu’un hommage spécial sera rendu au très honorable Justin Trudeau,…