
See the latest media releases from Catalyst below.

Media Contact: Erin Souza-Rezendes
Senior Director, Global Communications

For media inquiries or to arrange an interview, please contact:






Catalyst Announces Winner of 2016 Catalyst Award (Media Release)

Gap Inc.’s game-changing global initiative, Women and Opportunity, will be honored with the 2016 Catalyst Award, which recognizes breakthrough corporate initiatives that accelerate inclusion in the workplace and the world.

2016年カタリスト・アワード受賞者を発表 (メディアリリース)

カタリストは、Gap Inc.の革新的で世界的なイニシアチブである「女性と機会」に2016年のカタリスト・アワードを授与します。

カタリスト, 日本でのバイスプレジデントとアドバイザリー・ボードを発表 職場における女性の進出をさらに推進へ (メディアリリース)


Catalyst Announces New Vice President and Advisory Board in Japan to Accelerate Progress for Women in the Workforce (Media Release)

We look forward to partnering in our mission to make sustainable change for women and the economy.

Trois personnalités exceptionnelles du monde des affaires reçoivent les Prix honorifiques Catalyst Canada 2015 en reconnaissance de leur contribution à l’avancement des femmes et à la création de milieux de travail inclusifs (Communiqué de presse)

TORONTO (le 10 novembre 2015)— Catalyst Canada rend aujourd’hui hommage aux lauréats des prestigieux Prix honorifiques Catalyst Canada 2015, trois dirigeants…

Three Extraordinary Business Leaders Recognized as 2015 Catalyst Canada Honours Champions for Advancing Women and Inclusive Workplaces (Media Release)

Catalyst Canada announced that the recipients of the prestigious Catalyst Canada Honours for 2015 are Bill Thomas of KPMG in Canada, Cynthia Hansen of Enbridge Pipelines Inc., and Colleen Moorehead of Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP. All three were recognized as transformational business leaders who by action and example are accelerating women in their organizations, industries, and communities.

Trudeau Government Sets New Norm For Executive Leadership (Media Release)

Catalyst applauds Canada’s new federal government on the selection of a record proportion of women to its new cabinet. This historic move, naming equal numbers of women and men to key cabinet portfolios, signals an important step forward for women in executive leadership.

Catalyst Canada Participates in OSC Roundtable to Discuss Compliance with Gender Diversity Rules (Media Release)

Catalyst Canada Executive Director Alex Johnston participated in a roundtable hosted by the Ontario Securities Commission (OSC) to discuss the first review of TSX-listed issuers since the implementation of new disclosure requirements regarding the representation of women on boards and in senior management.

Catalyst Report Shows Diversity & Inclusion Efforts in India Lack Impact (Media Release)

Catalyst's latest research report, "India Inc.: From Intention to Impact," reveals that well-intended corporate initiatives are not fully achieving the desired goal of creating more inclusive workplaces for women in India.

New Catalyst Report Reveals Secret to Unlocking Innovation in Australia (Media Release)

A ground-breaking new report on employee innovation in Australia by Catalyst, the leading global nonprofit organization advocating for equal opportunities in the workforce, offers important strategies for companies committed to leveraging talent and inspiring breakout ideas. Key points of the report include making employees feel safe enough to bring their authentic selves to work, proposing novel solutions, taking on stretch assignments, and speaking up about problems and tough issues.

Workplace Culture Is Key to Employee Satisfaction (Media Release)

According to findings in Catalyst’s new report, Mind Your Culture Gap, both women and men MBA graduates surveyed want inclusive workplace cultures that not only emphasize integrity and collaboration but also encourage them to achieve their potential and support others.

Trois personnalités exceptionnelles du monde des affaires sont reconnues pour leur contribution à l’avancement des femmes et à la création de milieux de travail inclusifs (Communiqué de presse)

TORONTO (le 18 juin 2015) — Catalyst Canada a annoncé aujourd’hui le nom des champions des Prix honorifiques Catalyst 2015, des…

Three Extraordinary Business Leaders Recognized for Advancing Women and Championing Inclusive Workplaces (Media Release)

Catalyst Canada announced the names of the 2015 Catalyst Canada Honours Champions, exceptional corporate leaders who have made transformational contributions to advancing women in their organizations, industries, and communities by championing inclusive workplaces: Bill Thomas, CEO of KPMG in Canada; Cynthia Hansen, Senior Vice President, Enbridge Pipelines Inc.; and Colleen Moorehead, Chief Client Officer, Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP.

2015 Catalyst Award Goes to Initiatives from Chevron and Procter & Gamble (Media Release)

Catalyst honors initiatives from Chevron and Procter & Gamble with its prestigious Catalyst Award, recognizing these companies' success in creating workplaces where women and men have equal opportunity to advance and lead.

Women of Color Remain Severely Underrepresented in U.S. Workforce and on Boards (Media Release)

Recent data from Catalyst shows that women of color make up only 16.5% of the S&P 500 labor force. And as job level increases, the number of women of color decreases drastically—especially at the executive and C-suite levels. As a call to action, Catalyst will host the Women of Color Summit, gathering global experts to provide fresh thinking and spark change for women of color.

Goldcorp First Mining Company to Sign Catalyst Accord, Supporting 25% Women on FP500 Boards by 2017 (Media Release)

GOLDCORP INC. (TSX: G, NYSE: GG) has joined the list of Catalyst Accord signatories, becoming the 28th company—and first from the mining sector—to sign the Accord, pledging its support for accelerating change in the boardroom. The move signals an important step forward for the mining industry, a leading contributor to the Canadian economy.

Goldcorp, première société minière à signer l’Accord Catalyst, appuie l’objectif d’atteindre un taux de 25 % de femmes au sein des conseils des sociétés de la liste FP500, d’ici à 2017 (Communiqué de presse)

Catalyst Canada a annoncé aujourd’hui, que la société GOLDCORP INC. (TSX : G, NYSE : GG) a joint les rangs des signataires de l’Accord Catalyst, devenant la 28e société — et la première du secteur minier — à signer l’Accord, apportant son plein appui à la promotion du changement au sein des conseils d’administration. Ce geste représente une étape importante pour l’industrie minière, qui joue un rôle de premier plan dans l’économie canadienne.

Catalyst Announces 2015 Catalyst Award-Winning Initiatives (Media Release)

Catalyst announces that strategic talent management initiatives from Chevron and Procter & Gamble are the recipients of the 2015 Catalyst Award, the prestigious annual award honoring exceptional and innovative initiatives that expand opportunities for women and businesses globally.

Catherine Corley Named Senior Vice President, Global Operations (Media Release)

Catherine Corley joined Catalyst on January 12, 2015 as Senior Vice President, Global Operations. She will lead the Membership and Marketing Teams, as well as Catalyst’s field organizations in Canada, Europe, India, Japan, and Australiagy. 

New Global 2014 Catalyst Census: Women Board Directors (Media Release)

Created in partnership with The Data Morphosis Group, the new and expanded 2014 Catalyst Census: Women Board Directors focuses on women’s share of board seats at stock market index companies across three regions and 20 countries, including the United States, Canada, Europe (14 countries), and Asia-Pacific (Australia, Hong Kong, India, and Japan).