
See the latest media releases from Catalyst below.

Media Contact: Erin Souza-Rezendes
Senior Director, Global Communications

For media inquiries or to arrange an interview, please contact:






Catalyst Partners with edX to Offer Online Leadership Courses (Media Release)

Catalyst, the leading global nonprofit organization dedicated to advancing women and business, announced that it is building online courses and training programs dedicated to building strong, inclusive leaders and high-performing teams globally in partnership with edX, the nonprofit online learning platform launched in 2012 by Harvard University and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

United for Boardroom Diversity in Canada: Business and Government Leaders, Regulators and Advocates Come Together to Accelerate Pace of Change (Media Release)

Catalyst Canada and partners EY, the International Women’s Forum, and the 30% Club gathered a prominent group of CEOs, board chairs, government leaders, regulators, and advocates to address the importance of accelerating change on boards and to outline steps that leaders can take to diversify their boards, executive committees, and talent pipelines.

Catalyst Announces Two New Leaders in Europe (Media Release)

Catalyst announces the appointment of Allyson Zimmermann as Executive Director, Catalyst Europe, and Eileen Taylor, Chief Executive Officer, DB UK Bank, Ltd., as Chair of the Catalyst Europe Advisory Board (CEAB). 

Catalyst’s Global Report Uncovers New Layers of Inequity for Women in STEM Industries (Media Release)

Catalyst’s groundbreaking new global report, High Potentials in Tech-Intensive Industries: The Gender Divide in Business Roles, shows that those on the business side of STEM corporations—the science, technology, engineering, and math industries—face significant challenges. The study reveals a culture that is particularly unwelcoming to women, no matter what the job.

Catalyst Canada Welcomes Finalization of Canadian Securities Regulators’ Rule Amendments Requiring Disclosure of Women on Boards and in Senior Management (Media Release)

Catalyst Canada congratulated securities regulators in nine jurisdictions across the country on the finalization of new rule amendments requiring issuers to disclose policy practices regarding the representation of women on boards and in executive officer positions. 

Catalyst Canada accueille avec enthousiasme la finalisation des modifications apportées par les autorités canadiennes en valeurs mobilières aux exigences de divulgation en matière de représentation des femmes au sein des conseils d’administration (Communiqué de presse)

Catalyst Canada a félicité aujourd’hui les autorités en valeurs mobilières de neuf provinces et territoires à travers le Canada, pour la finalisation des nouvelles modifications à la règle en vertu desquelles les émetteurs seront désormais tenu de divulguer leurs politiques en matière de représentation des femmes au sein de leur conseil d’administration et de leur haute direction. Nouvelles modifications à la règle en vertu desquelles les émetteurs seront désormais tenu de divulguer leurs politiques en matière de représentation des femmes au sein de leur conseil d’administration et de leur haute direction.

Five Exceptional Leaders Recognized as 2014 Catalyst Canada Honours Champions (Media Release)

The 2014 Catalyst Canada Honours Champions, recognized by Catalyst, the leading nonprofit organization expanding opportunities for women and business, are Dean Johnson (Sodexo Canada Ltd.), Ellen Moore (Chubb Insurance Company of Canada), Sharon MacLeod (Personal Care North America, Unilever), Zabeen Hirji (RBC), and The Hon. Howard I. Wetston, Q.C., (Ontario Securities Commission).

Catalyst Canada Recognizes BMO CEO Bill Downe for his Extraordinary Leadership in Advancing Women in Business (Media Release)

Catalyst fifth annual Catalyst Canada Honours celebration extended special thanks and recognition to Bill Downe, Chief Executive Officer of BMO Financial Group, and Chair, Catalyst Canada Advisory Board, for his leadership and dedication to expanding opportunities for women in business.

Cinq leaders exceptionnels reçoivent les Prix honorifiques de Catalyst Canada 2014 (Communiqué de presse)

Toronto (le 8 octobre 2014)— Aujourd’hui, en ce 5e anniversaire des prestigieux Prix honorifiques de Catalyst Canada, cinq champions émérites…

Celebrating Women’s Equality Day? (Media Release)

As the United States prepares to observe Women’s Equality Day on August 26, Catalyst releases its new Women’s Equality Day infographic and What Is Feminism? video to honor those who have enabled change for women in the past, and those who advocate for full equality today. 

Catalyst’s Former President & CEO Ilene H. Lang Named to NACD Hall of Fame (Media Release)

Catalyst announces that Ilene H. Lang, Former President & CEO, Senior Advisor, and Honorary Director, Catalyst, will be inducted into the National Association of Corporate Directors (NACD) Hall of Fame, which is made up of a select group of individuals whose influence on corporate governance is recognized by boardroom members across the United States.

Breaking Barriers for Women in Corporate Mexico? Not So Fast (Media Release)

Cultural and organizational barriers are stifling women’s progress in Mexico, keeping female labor force participation lower than in nearly all other emerging markets, according to a new report by Catalyst, the leading nonprofit research organization with a mission to expand opportunities for women and business globally.

¿Rompiendo barreras para las mujeres en el México corporativo? No tan rápido (Comunicado de prensa)

Las barreras culturales y organizacionales sofocan el avance de las mujeres, dice un nuevo reporte emitido por Catalyst, la organización líder y sin fines de lucro en la expansión de oportunidades para las mujeres y las empresas.

Catalyst Canada applaudit le plan d’action du gouvernement du Canada pour accroître la représentation des femmes au sein des conseils d’administration (Communiqué de presse)

Toronto (le 26 juin 2014) — Catalyst Canada a félicité aujourd’hui le gouvernement du Canada pour le lancement de son…

Catalyst Canada Applauds Canadian Government’s Action Plan to Increase Women on Corporate Boards (Media Release)

Catalyst Canada congratulated the government of Canada on its newly released action plan to increase the representation of women on public and private boards in Canada. “Good for Business: A Plan to Promote More Women on Canadian Boards” outlines a number of best practices to advance women to boards, and recommends that companies aim to have 30% of board seats filled by women within five years, with a longer-term goal of gender balance on boards.

Annonce des lauréats des Prix honorifiques de Catalyst Canada 2014 : De puissants modèles pour l’avancement des femmes dans le monde des affaires (Communiqué de presse)

TORONTO (le 19 juin 2014) —Cinq chefs d’entreprise canadiens exceptionnels  se sont vu attribuer les Prix honorifiques de Catalyst Canada…

2014 Catalyst Canada Honours Champions Announced: Powerful Role Models for Advancing Women and Business (Media Release)

Five exceptional Canadian corporate leaders have been named as 2014 Catalyst Canada Honours Champions for their transformational leadership and commitment to advancing women in their organizations, industries and communities: Dean Johnson, President and CEO, Sodexo Canada; Ellen Moore, President and CEO, Chubb Insurance Company of Canada; Sharon MacLeod, Vice President, Personal Care, North America, Unilever; and Zabeen Hirji, Chief Human Resources Officer, RBC. Additionally, the Hon. Howard Wetston, Q.C., Chair, Ontario Securities Commission, receives Special Recognition – Board Diversity Champion for his work advancing women to board leadership. 

26 Leading Corporations Sign Catalyst Accord, Supporting 25% Women on FP500 Boards by 2017 (Media Release)

Catalyst Canada announced that the list of Catalyst Accord signatories—companies pledging to increase the overall proportion of FP 500 board seats held by women to 25% by 2017—has grown to include 26 leading corporations.

26 sociétés de premier rang signent l’Accord Catalyst et adhèrent à l’objectif d’une représentation de 25 % de femmes au sein des conseils des sociétés du classement FP500 d’ici à 2017 (Communiqué de presse)

Toronto (le 5 juin 2014) — La composition des conseils d’administration canadiens est en pleine transformation, grâce au soutien des…

Is There ‘Inequality Amongst Equals’ for Women Working in Europe? (Media Release)

Highly qualified women working in Europe are lagging behind their male counterparts in both pay and seniority, despite having the same qualifications, the same work experience, the same ambition to reach the top, and using all the same tactics as men to get ahead says Catalyst's newly released research study, "High-Potential Women In Europe."