The Catalyst CEO Champions For Change companies—representing more than 10 million employees and over $3 trillion in revenue globally—improved their representation metrics in top leadership positions and throughout the pipeline for all women over a five-year period.
Additionally, in 2018, Catalyst CEO Champions For Change companies outpaced their global peers in advancing women. In fact, they had a higher percentage of women in leadership positions at every level compared to their global peers—more women board directors, executives, senior managers, and managers.
Real progress toward gender equity is possible. Catalyst CEO Champions For Change companies are demonstrating both purpose and persistence by taking the lead in actively working to advance women. They exemplify progress in action.
This new report contains:
- 6 actions your company can take to build a more inclusive culture.
- Spotlight Success Stories from Bank of America and Dentons.
- Women’s representation metrics for Champion companies in 2013 and 2018, as well as comparison to global companies.
How to cite this product: Catalyst, Progress in Action: Catalyst CEO Champions For Change (Catalyst, 2019).