
Catalyst research is the foundation of all our solutions for creating equitable workplaces. We examine today’s work environments and employees’ experiences in them. We track representation of women in corporate leadership and determine the root causes of gender gaps. We use fact-based, scientific methods—including longitudinal panels and large-scale field studies—to explore barriers and measure success. Whether you’re looking for numbers, ideas, or solutions, Catalyst has what you need. It’s why Catalyst is the most-trusted resource for knowledge on gender and inclusive leadership in the business.



Research Type





Let’s Get Real About Measuring Inclusion and Getting Results (Webinar Recording)

The session provides insights and tools—featuring the Catalyst Inclusion Accelerator diagnostic tool—to drive and measure inclusion.

Board Diversity

Accord Catalyst 2022 (Infographique)

Les signataires de Catalyst Accord obtiennent des résultats mesurables dans leurs organisations.

Board Diversity

Catalyst Accord 2022 – What Gets Measured Gets Done (Infographic)

Catalyst Accord signatories are seeing measurable results at their organizations.

Sexual Harassment

Le harcèlement sexuel en milieu de travail – ce que les employés doivent savoir (Infographique)

Chaque employé a la responsabilité d’aider à créer un milieu de travail équitable, sécuritaire et respectueux.

Sexual Harassment

Le harcèlement sexuel en milieu de travail – ce que les employeurs doivent savoir (Infographique)

Voici quelques astuces pour vous aider dans les étapes qui feront en sorte que votre milieu de travail devienne un lieu où règne une culture sans harcèlement sexuel.

Race, Ethnicity, and Culture

Asian Pacific Heritage Month (Webinar Recording)

Speakers share their stories, the barriers they’ve overcome, and how they have called out bias and achieved success.

Organizational Culture Change

Creating a Workplace Culture Initiative with Intentionality (Webinar Recording)

Listen to this webinar recording to hear tips and tools on how to start an initiative, with real-world examples.

Sexual Harassment

Active Bystander, Active Self – Taking Effective Action (Webinar Recording)

Listen to this webinar recording to learn how to offer an effective case-based active bystander workshop at your organization.

International Women’s Day 2019 (Webinar Recording)

Over the course of this webinar, we shared information you and your organization can use to create a more inclusive workplace for all individuals.

Race, Ethnicity, and Culture

Intersectionality of Gender, Race, and Ethnicity at Work (Webinar Recording)

Understand intersecting dimensions of diversity, and learn about tools and tips for organizations to harness employee potential.

Inclusive Leadership

5 Actions Managers Can Take to Break the Gender Bias Cycle – Asia-Pacific (Webinar Recording)

This webinar recording outlines the five actions managers can take to break the cycle of gender bias in development opportunities.

Career Advancement

Take Charge of Your Career – 7 Tips to Negotiate Your Role (Webinar Recording)

Join this webinar to hear tips on how you can negotiate your way to a more challenging and satisfying role. 

Career Breaks & Returnships – Key Strategies for Organizations (Webinar Recording)

Listen to this webinar recording to hear best practices to start creating a more open and supportive workplace for all.

Recruitment and Retention

5 Actions Managers Can Take To Break The Gender Bias Cycle (Webinar Recording)

This webinar recording outlines the five actions managers can take to break the cycle of gender bias in development opportunities.

Implicit Bias

Brisez le cycle (Infographique)

Éliminer les biais liés au genre dans les systèmes de gestion des talents.


This Is How You Dad: “Maternity” Leave for Men (Webinar Recording)

This webinar destigmatizes what it means for a man to take leave and illuminates real-world experiences of the aftereffects.

Catalyst Award Winner

Bank of America – Investing in Women (Practices)

Learn about Bank of America's global initiative Investing in Women.

Catalyst Award Winner

Schneider Electric – Attracting and Retaining Women in Schneider Electric India (Practices)

Learn about Schneider Electric's Catalyst Award-winning initiative.

Catalyst Award Winner

Eli Lilly and Company – Employee Journeys and People Strategy (Practices)

Learn about Eli Lilly's honest, compelling initiative Employee Journeys and People Strategy.

Catalyst Award Winner

Deutsche Post DHL Group – Women in Management (Practices)

Learn about Deutsche Post DHL Group's Catalyst Award-winning initiative.