
Catalyst research is the foundation of all our solutions for creating equitable workplaces. We examine today’s work environments and employees’ experiences in them. We track representation of women in corporate leadership and determine the root causes of gender gaps. We use fact-based, scientific methods—including longitudinal panels and large-scale field studies—to explore barriers and measure success. Whether you’re looking for numbers, ideas, or solutions, Catalyst has what you need. It’s why Catalyst is the most-trusted resource for knowledge on gender and inclusive leadership in the business.



Research Type





Women CEOs

Methodology: 2010 Catalyst Census: Financial Post 500 Women Senior Officers and Top Earners (Appendix)

Recruitment and Retention

Aditya Birla Group (ABG) – Talent Management and Leadership Development (Practices)

ABG launched formal, company-wide talent management processes in November 2003 to introduce a set of uniform practices across all its…

Recruitment and Retention

Building Trust Between Managers & Diverse Women Direct Reports: Recommendations for HR, Managers, and Individuals (Tool)

This tool can help you leverage diverse working relationships within your organization.

Recruitment and Retention

Visiting Nurse Service of New York – Diversity and Inclusion in Community-Based Healthcare (Practices)

Because Visiting Nurse Service of New York (VNSNY) has a highly diverse clientele, the organization understands that promoting cultural awareness,…

Recruitment and Retention

Building Trust Between Managers and Diverse Women Direct Reports (Report)

Trust between managers and direct reports is essential to forming productive workplace relationships.

Catalyst Award Winner

Kaiser Permanente – Achieving Our Mission and Growing the Business Through the National Diversity Agenda (Practices)

Kaiser Permanente's initiative, Achieving Our Mission and Growing the Business Through the National Diversity Agenda, makes diversity and inclusion central…

Catalyst Award Winner

Time Warner Inc. – Creating a Unified Culture: Investing in Our Women Leaders (Practices)

After a highly publicized merger with AOL in 2000, Time Warner Inc. leaders committed to rebuilding and unifying the company…

Catalyst Award Winner

McDonald’s Corporation – Freedom Within a Framework: Global Women’s Initiative (Practices)

At McDonald's Corporation, a strong commitment to inclusion is embedded in the business plan and corporate values. This perspective led…

Career Advancement

User’s Guide: Approaches to Learning the Unwritten Rules (Tool)

This guide details approaches to learning unwritten rules.

Recruitment and Retention

Unwritten Rules: Why Doing a Good Job Might Not Be Enough Europe (Report)

This report examines Europeans' perceptions of unwritten rules as well as how they learned to navigate these rules.

Career Advancement

Unwritten Rules: Why Doing a Good Job Might Not Be Enough Europe (Appendix)

This is the appendix to Unwritten Rules: Why Doing a Good Job Might Not Be Enough Europe.

Board Diversity

Methodology: 2010 Catalyst Census: Fortune 500 (Appendix)

The 2010 Catalyst Census: Fortune 500 Women Executive Officers and Top Earners and 2010 Catalyst Census: Fortune 500 Women Board Directors examine women's representation in corporate governance at…

Board Diversity

2010 Catalyst Census: Fortune 500 Women Board Directors (Report)

The 2010 Catalyst Census examines women's representation in corporate governance at the largest companies in the United States.

Women CEOs

2010 Catalyst Census: Fortune 500 Women Executive Officers and Top Earners (Report)

The 2010 Catalyst Census examines women's representation in corporate governance at the largest companies in the United States.

Sponsorship and Mentoring

Mentoring: Necessary But Insufficient for Advancement (Report)

This report examines the impact of mentoring on the career advancement of high potentials.


Engaging Men in Gender Diversity Initiatives (Tool)

Men can—and should—be partners in educating other men and in moving organizations toward gender equality.

Multigenerational Workplace

SAP – net45plus (Practices)

The net45plus employee network at the German headquarters of SAP AG was designed to engage older employees by providing support…

DEI Messaging

Leadership Gap in India Inc.: Myths and Realities (Report)

In this report, we focus on building awareness and offering action steps for developing and advancing women in corporate India.

Multigenerational Workplace

Credit Suisse – Reverse Mentoring: Engaging Generational Difference (Practices)

Credit Suisse's Reverse Mentoring: Engaging Generational Difference pairs senior leaders with junior employees to educate senior employees about diversity, provide…


Ernst & Young LLP – Cultivating Men as Allies (Practices)

An Ernst & Young priority is the engagement of men as gender champions and allies. The Diversity team, along with a male coach, designed focus groups to better understand the male perspective.