Catalyst research is best-in-class, providing comprehensive data collection, analysis, and results. Our action-oriented, solutions-focused reports are cited by researchers and media entities around the world.
2002 Catalyst Member Benchmarking (Report)
This report contains results, in-depth analysis, and workforce statistics analyzed by global region, race, and ethnicity.
Women of Color in Corporate Management: Three Years Later (Report)
This study reveals factors that influence career advancement and retention for women of color.
Women in Leadership: A European Business Imperative (Report)
Learn about the barriers to advancement women face in corporate Europe.
2001 Catalyst Census of Women Board Directors (Report)
The report lists women on each company's board, with state, industry, and other analyses.
2001 Catalyst Census of Women Board Directors of Canada (Report)
Take a close look at women in the Canadian boardroom, modeled after the Census of Women Board Directors of the Fortune 500.
Women of Color Executives: Their Voices, Their Journeys (Report)
This report delves into the issues faced by African-American, Asian, and Latina women.
Breaking the Barriers: Women in Senior Management in the U.K. (Report)
The study explores the views of both senior women and CEOs on the barriers to women's advancement in organizations.
2000 Catalyst Census of Women Corporate Officers and Top Earners (Report)
This is a count on a company-by-company basis of women officers and top earners in Fortune 500 companies.
MBA Grads in Info Tech: Women and Men in the Information Technology Industry (Report)
This report focuses on the unique experiences of women and men MBAs in the information technology industry.
Women and the M.B.A.: Gateway to Opportunity (Report)
Catalyst conducted a study to examine career outcomes for women MBA graduates.
1999 Catalyst Census of Women Board Directors of the Fortune 1000 (Report)
The report lists women on each company's board, with state, industry, and other analyses.
1999 Catalyst Census of Women Corporate Officers and Top Earners (Report)
This is a count on a company-by-company basis of women officers and top earners in Fortune 500 companies.
Women of Color in Corporate Management: Opportunities and Barriers (Report)
This report focuses on the first-hand experiences of African-American, Hispanic, and Asian-American women.
Women Scientists in Industry: A Winning Formula for Companies (Report)
This study identifies the factors that contribute to or impede the advancement of women scientists in corporations.
1998 Catalyst Census: Women Board Directors of Canada (Report)
This was Catalyst's first count of women corporate directors in Canada.
1998 Catalyst Census of Women Corporate Officers and Top Earners (Report)
See the stats on women officers and top earners in Fortune 500 companies.
1998 Catalyst Census of Women Board Directors of the Fortune 500 (Report)
This report lists women on each company's board, with state, industry, and other analyses.
Women of Color in Corporate Management: Dynamics of Career Advancement (Report)
This report focuses specifically on career advancement issues for women of color.
1997 Catalyst Census of Women Corporate Officers and Top Earners of the Fortune 500 (Report)
Learn about women officers and top earners in Fortune 500 companies.
A New Approach to Flexibility: Managing the Work/Time Equation (Report)
This study evaluates the effectiveness of part-time work arrangements from the perspectives of various stakeholders.