MARC For the Front Line Program Demo

What is MARC For the Front Line?

This engaging micro-learning is about sparking curiosity, opening dialogue, and inspiring action on gender equity.

The program is made up of 5 segments, one introduction and context-setting message, and 4 discussion modules. Each module is designed to take 15 minutes and combines videos, posters, and conversation prompts.

As a demo user, you gain access to the introduction and module 1 content.

Grounded in Catalyst’s research on gender equity and front line workers, front line leaders can use this program to address frontline employee experiences that lead to burnout, lack of psychological and contribute to high rates of turnover.

  • Co-create an inclusive workspace.
  • Create psychological safety.
  • Build team dynamics and empathy.
  • Improve engagement and reduce turnover.


Unlock the Power of Gender Partnership on the Front Line

Learn more about becoming a Catalyst Supporter and bring MARC for the Front Line to your organization. The program is suitable for any front line or dispersed workforce. A Catalyst staff member will reach out to you within two business days.


This content is available to employees of Catalyst Supporters only.

If you are an employee of a Catalyst Supporter, please make sure you registered and logged in using your work email address.

Not an employee of a Supporter? Find out why and how your organization can become one.