Catalyst Award Winner

Catalyst is honored to be associated with organizations whose innovative and pioneering initiatives have proven so powerful in making change.



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Catalyst Award Winner

Deloitte: 8 Steps We Took to Advance Gender Equity (Blog Post)

Clare Harding and Margaret Dreyer share Deloitte Australia’s inclusion strategies.

Catalyst Award Winner

Unilever: How We Achieved Gender Balance in Management and Inclusion (Blog Post)

Aline Santos, Global Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer, shares the steps Unilever has taken.

Catalyst Award Winner

2020 Catalyst Award Winners: A Road Map to Inclusion (Blog Post)

Now, more than ever, inclusive workplaces are essential. Deloitte, Medtronic, and Unilever show us how to get the job done.

Catalyst Award Winner

Message From Catalyst’s President & CEO (Public Statement)

Lorraine Hariton congratulates the 2020 Catalyst Award winners, Deloitte, Medtronic, and Unilever.

Catalyst Award Winner

Medtronic: Igniting Women to Lead Through the Medtronic Women’s Network (Practices)

Leveraging their powerful internal women's network, Medtronic is growing the women in their leadership across the organization.

Catalyst Award Winner

Unilever: Changing the Game, Unlocking the Future (Practices)

Unilever combines balanced talent management practices, flexibility options, and coaching to create a company-wide inclusive culture.

Catalyst Award Winner

Catalyst Award Winners

View the organizations with Catalyst Award-winning initiatives since the Catalyst Award began back in 1987.

Catalyst Award Winner

2020 Catalyst Award Winners Announced (Media Release)

Deloitte, Medtronic and Unilever honored for inspiring change and accelerating progress for women in the workplace.

Catalyst Award Winner

Deloitte: Inspiring Women (Practices)

Deloitte Australia is creating scalable culture change through equity goals, progressive parental leave and flex options, and modeling from leaders.

Mike Wirth, CEO, Chevron
Organizational Culture Change

Inspiring CEO Speeches About Diversity at the 2019 Catalyst Awards Dinner (Blog Post)

Change is possible and necessary—not only for women but for the companies that want to succeed in the Future@Work.

Organizational Culture Change

Catalyst Awards Dinner

The Catalyst Awards Dinner is an annual celebration of Catalyst Award-winning initiatives taking place in New York City.


Medtronic: Where Inclusion and Diversity Are Mission-Critical (Spotlight Story)

The company aims to have women in 40% or more of the company’s leadership roles globally.

Organizational Culture Change

Catalyst Announces 2019 Award Winners: Bank of America, Deutsche Post DHL Group, Eli Lilly and Company, and Schneider Electric Honored for Accelerating Progress for Women in the Workplace (Media Release)

Award-winning company leaders will receive their honors at the 2019 Catalyst Awards Dinner, chaired by Michael K. Wirth, Chairman & CEO, Chevron Corporation.

Catalyst Award Winner

Eli Lilly and Company – Employee Journeys and People Strategy (Practices)

Learn about Eli Lilly's honest, compelling initiative Employee Journeys and People Strategy.

Catalyst Award Winner

Bank of America – Investing in Women (Practices)

Learn about Bank of America's global initiative Investing in Women.

Catalyst Award Winner

Schneider Electric – Attracting and Retaining Women in Schneider Electric India (Practices)

Learn about Schneider Electric's Catalyst Award-winning initiative.

Catalyst Award Winner

Deutsche Post DHL Group – Women in Management (Practices)

Learn about Deutsche Post DHL Group's Catalyst Award-winning initiative.

Unilever aims to be a beacon of diversity and inclusion, and in 2019 they achieved their goal of women holding half of all manager positions worldwide.

Unilever: Purpose-Led, Future-Fit (Spotlight Story)

In 2019 the company achieved a long-standing goal of having women hold half of all manager positions worldwide.

2018 Catalyst Award Winners: The Boston Consulting Group, IBM, Nationwide, and Northrop Grumman Corporation (Media Release)

Catalyst has announced that innovative corporate initiatives from The Boston Consulting Group (BCG), IBM, Nationwide and Northrop Grumman Corporation (Northrop Grumman) have won the 2018 Catalyst Award.

Catalyst Award Winner

Nationwide – Our Associates’ Success Drives Business Success (Practices)

In 2011, Nationwide launched its initiative, Our Associates’ Success Drives Business Success, to build on its strong cultural foundation anchored by the company’s first core value, “We Value People.” A […]