Men Advocating Real Change (MARC) was created to help engage men in creating workplaces that work for women. Focusing on including men in this important conversation, MARC empowers all men in the workplace—from team members to senior leaders—to create real change. The MARC Community is global and growing.



Content Type





Steph Curry, the Father-Of-Daughters Effect, and Me (Blog Post)

This is how you dad.


Benefits of Paternity Leave: Being There (Blog Post)

They say as a parent, you never stop worrying.


The Death of the Business Suit Can’t Come Soon Enough (Blog Post)

We straight businessmen have a problem: we all kind of act, look, and think alike.


Preparing for Labor Day: “Maternity Leave” Is Also for Dads (Blog Post)

Let’s End the Stigma


A Topic for Discussion (Blog Post)

I’m regularly told that I’m a ‘good dad’ when I’m simply in line with the kids anywhere (especially in the grocery store). It’s always a woman telling me that I’m a ‘good dad.'


Many Are Unaware of the Benefits (Blog Post)

Paternity leave can go a long way toward building the kinds of businesses that attract and retain workers. It also increases corporate profits and builds gender equality—if done right.


First Steps: Engaging Men as Change Agents (Webinar Recording)

Listen to this webinar to hear 10 actions organizations can take to break down these barriers and make this topic relevant to men.


What Happens When Men Join ERGs That Aren’t “for Them” (Blog Post)

Inside Groups for Women, LGBT, and More


That’s What She Said: Insights From Author And Journalist Joanne Lipman (Blog Post)

Joanne Lipman has been traveling for three years, speaking to men and women about workplace inequality, and what can be done about it.


10 Questions for Men Attending ERGs That Aren’t “for Them” (Blog Post)

You Don’t Have to Have All the Answers


Men of Color at Work: If These Stories Surprise You, You Haven’t Been Listening (Blog Post)

I asked men of color to delve into their experiences at work. What they shared with me was eye-opening.


Men’s Role in Workplace Equity: Achieving Our Full Potential (Blog Post)

MARC sparked a dialogue with other male colleagues about what we assume to be normal (but is not).


What Worries Men About Traveling on Business With a Woman? (Blog Post)

What Are Men Really Thinking?


How Stereotypes Impact Women (And Men) at Work (Blog Post)

And What Men Can Do About It


Who Says My Mom Can’t Have It All? Reflections Of A Teenage Son (Blog Post)

As a rising high school senior, I worry about these results and the future of women’s place in society.


Gender Equality: What Women Are Really Asking of Men (Blog Post)

It’s Not What Many Men Think

Victor G. Dodig est nommé président du conseil consultatif de Catalyst Canada (Communiqué de presse)

Catalyst a annoncé la nomination de M. Victor G. Dodig, président et chef de la direction de la Banque CIBC, à titre de président du conseil consultatif de Catalyst Canada.

Catalyst Names CIBC’s Victor G. Dodig Chair of its Canadian Advisory Board (Media Release)

Catalyst announced today the appointment of Victor G. Dodig, President and CEO, CIBC, as Chair of the Catalyst Canada Advisory Board. Dodig has been a member of the Advisory Board for three years, and succeeds Bill Downe, CEO, BMO Financial Group, as Chair.


MARC: Call to Action (Infographic)

Download this page to discover four ways you can increase your impact as a member of MARC.


3 Ways You Might Be Silencing Women And a Checklist for Fixing That (Blog Post)

What valuable contributions might get missed?