Men Advocating Real Change (MARC) was created to help engage men in creating workplaces that work for women. Focusing on including men in this important conversation, MARC empowers all men in the workplace—from team members to senior leaders—to create real change. The MARC Community is global and growing.



Content Type





#WomenCan: The Importance of Male Advocacy (Blog Post)

Human rights are women’s rights, and women’s rights are human rights." This is one of my favorite quotes. Secretary Hillary Clinton delivered it at the United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing over 20 years ago. It was true in 1995 and it's true today.


Five Lessons I Hope Mark Zuckerberg Teaches His Daughter (Blog Post)

The lessons my dad imparted are ones that all men should consider when raising their daughters (and sons). His teachings have helped me succeed through my adolescence, through college, and now early into my career.


How to Celebrate International Men’s Day Right (Blog Post)

Context Is Everything


Millennial Voices: Want To Be A Male Ally? Stand Up To Harassment (Blog Post)

In an ideal world, women wouldn’t have to rely on men for protection. But the truth is that many men are more inclined to listen to other men than to women.


Five Things The World Needs To Know About Fathers (Blog Post)

Fathers are having a powerful impact, helping to challenge the status quo and #DisruptTheDefault for their daughters and sons.


No More ‘Boys Jobs’ and ‘Girl Jobs’ (Blog Post)

Challenge our own assumptions.


Capitalize on Your Commitment to Diversity (Blog Post)

Lessons learned on promoting equality.


The War for Talent Will Be Won by Inclusive Enterprises (Blog Post)

Innovative companies are always looking for fresh approaches to attract and retain underutilized sources of talent. That’s why it’s imperative…


Improve Diversity by Taking a Chance (Blog Post)

Change a person's life with a real career opportunity.


Scratching Your Head About the Divide (Blog Post)

The more women we have in leadership positions, the more other women will be inspired to follow suit.


Don’t Just Sit There… Advocate! (Blog Post)

Each of us has defining moments that shape who we are as leaders.


The Chubb Corporation – Mentoring as a Strategy for Gender Inclusion: A New Vision for Advancing Women and Engaging Men (Practices)

Learn how Chubb's mentoring program helps men and women in their organization.


Why Business Needs Women (Blog Post)

Why is inclusive leadership the only way to win in the long term?


Anatomy of Change: How Inclusive Cultures Evolve (Report)

Candid, respectful communication (and lots of it) is the foundation for building a more inclusive workplace.


A Bright Spot: How Individual Champions Help Close the Gender Gap (Practices)

Men are vital when it comes to organizations making real progress on behalf of underrepresented groups.


Calling All White Men: Can Training Help Create Inclusive Workplaces? (Report)

This report highlights the critical role men have to play in creating inclusive workplaces.


Lead the Way: Don’t Wait and See (Blog Post)

What Men Have to Gain


10 Reasons Men Should Care About Gender Equality (Blog Post)

For gender equality to be achieved, both women and men need to be active participants in the change process.  This…


Engaging Men in Gender Diversity Initiatives (Tool)

Men can—and should—be partners in educating other men and in moving organizations toward gender equality.


Ernst & Young LLP – Cultivating Men as Allies (Practices)

An Ernst & Young priority is the engagement of men as gender champions and allies. The Diversity team, along with a male coach, designed focus groups to better understand the male perspective.