Supporter Only

Catalyst Supporters have exclusive access to the following tools, webinar recordings, and solutions for accelerating progress for women in the workplace. Not a Supporter? Learn how to become one.



Content Type




Future of Work

Being Intentional About Inclusion in Flexible and Remote Work (Webinar Recording)

Flexible and remote work allows organizations to be agile, responsive, and innovative in times of disruption now and into the future.…

Catalyst Community: Navigating These Uncertain Times, A Global Perspective (Webinar Recording)

We are in a moment of unprecedented disruption and widespread uncertainty. As new and unexpected developments occur in the COVID-19…

Organizational Culture Change

Catalyst Community: Navigating These Uncertain Times, A Global Perspective

Join us to learn more tips on how to continue momentum to advance women during times of disruption.

Catalyst Award Winner

Medtronic: Igniting Women to Lead Through the Medtronic Women’s Network (Practices)

Leveraging their powerful internal women's network, Medtronic is growing the women in their leadership across the organization.

Implicit Bias

CANCELLED: Interrupting Unconscious Bias, Building Inclusive Workplaces, Mississauga, ON

Given the growing concerns around COVID-19 and as a reflection of our values, we have made the decision to postpone the…

Catalyst Award Winner

Unilever: Changing the Game, Unlocking the Future (Practices)

Unilever combines balanced talent management practices, flexibility options, and coaching to create a company-wide inclusive culture.

Remote Work

Leading Your Hybrid Team Inclusively: Knowledge Burst

Learn how to maximize innovation, collaboration, and inclusion in a hybrid-work environment no matter where people are located.

DEI Messaging

Guide to Benchmarking Data on Women in the Workplace (Tool)

A summary of gender benchmarking resources that are publicly available.

Emotional Tax

Intersecting Identities and the Impact of Emotional Tax (Webinar Recording)

Learn the effects of the intersecting dimensions of difference, explore tools and tips to reduce the consequences of Emotional Tax.

CANCELLED: Les STEM en 2020 : témoignages, enjeux, pistes de solutions, Montréal QC

Given the growing concerns around COVID-19 and as a reflection of our values, we have made the decision to cancel…


VIRTUAL EVENT: Women in STEM Roundtable

How can companies attract, retain, and develop high-potential talent within these tech-intensive roles? Join us March 25th!

CANCELLED: Unconscious Bias: Let’s Talk About It! Tokyo, Japan

In order to avoid pandemic coronavirus infections, this event has been postponed until further notice. If you have questions, please…

Psychological Safety – What Is It and How Do We Promote It? London, UK

Given the growing concerns around COVID-19 and as a reflection of our values, we have made the decision to cancel…

Getting Real About Inclusive Leadership, Diegem, Belgium

Join us for a discussion on the 6 manager behaviours that predict inclusion and how these experiences can tangibly benefit companies.

Sponsorship and Mentoring

Strategies for Career Advancement: The Importance of Sponsorship (Webinar Recording)

In this webinar, Lorraine Hariton and Deborah Borda discuss their respective careers and share strategies for securing sponsors.

Catalyst Award Winner

Deloitte: Inspiring Women (Practices)

Deloitte Australia is creating scalable culture change through equity goals, progressive parental leave and flex options, and modeling from leaders.

Getting Real About Inclusive Leadership, Toronto ON

What are Six Manager Behaviours That Predict Inclusion? Join us February 24th to discuss the our key findings.

Organizational Culture Change

I&D and Corporate Social Responsibility – Together for Purpose, Toronto, ON

Catalyst and Accenture host lively discussion to explore the connections between diversity and inclusion and corporate social responsibility.

Take Charge of Your Career, Calgary, AB

Join us to learn the two career advancement strategies measured to have the strongest payoff for women professionals.

Roundtable: Diversity and the Future of Work, Germany

The workplace is changing fast. Join us to discover what approaches add depth to traditional D&I initiatives.