Organizational Culture Change

Changing your corporate culture requires strategy. You’ve got to assess where you are, define your strategy and goals, mobilize allies, hold leaders accountable, and track progress. It’s a process that won’t always go as you expect, and setbacks are inevitable. Learn how to create effective and sustainable change with our tools and resources.



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The Ripple Effect Starts Here: 2024 Catalyst Awards

The Catalyst Award is the premier recognition of organizational diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives driving representation and inclusion for women.

Catalyst Award Winner

Deloitte: Inspiring Women (Practices)

Deloitte Australia is creating scalable culture change through equity goals, progressive parental leave and flex options, and modeling from leaders.

RESCHEDULED TO DECEMBER 8, 2020: Women in Tech – Business Leaders Diversity Conference

As leaders in the tech industry you recognize the importance of gender diversity, the challenge of finding great talent, advancing and retaining that talent in corporate environments that are often not set up for women to succeed. This conference provides leaders with the tools and cutting-edge practices to become proficient in recruiting, retaining, and advancing more diverse and multicultural women. #diversityWIT

Organizational Culture Change

I&D and Corporate Social Responsibility – Together for Purpose, Toronto, ON

Catalyst and Accenture host lively discussion to explore the connections between diversity and inclusion and corporate social responsibility.

Champions For Change

Progress in Action: Catalyst CEO Champions For Change (Report)

Champion companies had a higher percentage of women in leadership positions at every level compared to their global peers.

Roundtable: Diversity and the Future of Work, Germany

The workplace is changing fast. Join us to discover what approaches add depth to traditional D&I initiatives.

Women’s eNews Corporate Equality Awards

Women's eNews Corporate Equality Awards honors companies that are spearheading gender equality efforts within their firms. As part of the celebratory…

Future of Work

Highlights From the 2019 Catalyst Canada Honours – In Photos (Blog Post)

See what you missed from the 2019 Catalyst Canada Honours Conference and Dinner in Toronto with these great event images.

D&I and Social Justice Movements

Join Catalyst as we discuss the possible connections between diversity and inclusion and corporate social responsibility.

Webinar: How to Benefit from The Influence of Diverse Perspectives on Workplace Culture

Join us for a frank discussion on how Catalyst’s research plays out in society.

The Next Generation for Leadership, Japan

What will the next generation bring to your organization? Speakers will exchange their views to create inclusive and growing organizations.


5 Ways to Create a Gender-Inclusive Workplace (Infographic)

Becoming an ally and an advocate for gender inclusion is simpler than you might think. Follow these steps.

Growth Mindset: Inclusion Leads to Being Innovative

Innovation is unleashed through inclusive collaboration with diverse, global talent. Inclusion occurs when employees are empowered, valued, respected, and trusted.…

Tackling Resistance to Diversity & Inclusion Efforts

Organizational change is an evolutionary process, and resistance to change is an inherent part of that process. Efforts to increase…

Organizational Culture Change

This Ancient Practice Helps Resolve Workplace Conflicts (Blog Post)

NYC Fire Department's Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer explains how an ancient practice can dispel conflicts and build community.

Organizational Culture Change

Diversity Fatigue in the Workplace: How to Get Unstuck (Blog Post)

A lack of corporate goals, resources, or a compelling strategy may be making your employees cynical about diversity initiatives.

Flexible Work Arrangements (Webinar Recording)

Experts discuss the benefits of workplace flexibility, bust myths about it, and arm leaders with tools to establish it.

Une nouvelle étude de Catalyst révèle l’existence d’une « charge émotionnelle » vécue par les personnes de couleur dans les entreprises canadiennes (Communiqué de presse)

Cette étude constate que les Canadiens noirs, est-asiatiques et sud-asiatiques sont « sur leurs gardes » et ont la ferme intention de quitter leur emploi.

Emotional Tax

How and Why to Create an Empowering Workplace (Infographic)

Feelings of empowerment are key to creating a psychologically safe work environment where all employees can thrive.

New Catalyst Report Reveals “Emotional Tax” Experienced by People of Colour in Corporate Canada (Media Release)

Research finds that Black, East Asian, and South Asian Canadians are “on guard,” with high intent to quit.