Organizational Culture Change

Changing your corporate culture requires strategy. You’ve got to assess where you are, define your strategy and goals, mobilize allies, hold leaders accountable, and track progress. It’s a process that won’t always go as you expect, and setbacks are inevitable. Learn how to create effective and sustainable change with our tools and resources.



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Organizational Culture Change

Profile in Disruption: Girls Are Awesome the Way They Are (Blog Post)

Meet: Mikhaila Nodel, a 17-year-old high school student and activist from Brooklyn, New York.

Recruitment and Retention

Pouvez-vous repérer les préjugés sexistes dans cette description de poste? (Article de blog)

Que vous soyez un employeur qui affiche un poste ou un professionnel à la recherche d’un emploi, il est important de comprendre comment l’utilisation de certains mots dans une description de poste peut refléter la culture et les valeurs d’une organisation.

Organizational Culture Change

6 Ways This Year’s Catalyst Award-Winning Initiatives Are Disrupting The Default (Blog Post)

We are celebrating Chevron’s US-based initiative, The Chevron Way: Engineering Opportunities for Women and Procter & Gamble’s Everyone Valued, Everyone Included, Everyone Performing at Their Peak™ at today’s Catalyst Awards Conference and Dinner!

Organizational Culture Change

Men Who Get It: Lack Of Diversity Stifles Innovation (Blog Post)

What’s at stake if we don’t get more women into leadership positions? The innovation, progression, and longevity of a company.

Five Things To Say Instead Of “Sorry” (Blog Post)

Here’s a quick list of some common reasons women are quick to say “sorry”—and five things we could be saying instead!

Organizational Culture Change

International Women’s Day: Game Changer Quiz (Blog Post)

We were paying attention in 2014—were you? Take our quiz below to celebrate some of the year’s most empowering feminist moments.

Organizational Culture Change

Ask Deborah: What Are The Biggest Challenges Facing Women And Girls Around The World? (Blog Post)

In this month’s Ask Deborah, in preparation for International Women’s Day, we posed a reader’s question about the biggest challenges facing women and girls around the world today.

Organizational Culture Change

Profiles in Disruption: Challenging the Status Quo in India (Blog Post)

Last fall, during an inaugural speech at its GROW Leadership Summit, Arun Kumar Jain, Managing Director of Fluor India and member of Catalyst’s India Advisory Board, addressed issues that women face in the workplace today and highlighted a new initiative that’s centered on the importance of attracting, developing, and retaining female talent within organizations.

Organizational Culture Change

Busting Barriers And Transforming Workplaces (Blog Post)

Every year since 1987, Catalyst has honored initiatives designed to help advance women in the workplace. Since becoming President & CEO of Catalyst, I’ve often been approached by executives who want to know: how can my company win the Catalyst Award?

Catalyst Award Winner

Chevron Corporation – The Chevron Way: Engineering Opportunities for Women (Practices)

Chevron's initiative, The Chevron Way: Engineering Opportunities for Women, is designed to strengthen the organization by increasing the company's focus…

Organizational Culture Change

Top 7 Quotables From Our Catalyst Connects Series (Blog Post)

We’ve rounded up the top seven gems that have been shared by senior women business leaders at the Connects events over the last few years. We hope the words of these women inspire you, as they have thousands of participants thus far, in both your professional and personal journeys.

Inclusive Leadership

3M – Global Leadership Behaviors: A Platform for Inclusion, Talent Development, and Cultural Transformation (Practices)

In 2012, Inge Thulin, 3M's newly appointed CEO began with a systematic approach to creating higher levels of organizational performance.…

Recruitment and Retention

High-Potential Women in Europe (Infographic)

Women working in Europe trail their male counterparts in position, pay, and the management responsibilities critical to advancement.

Organizational Culture Change

Culture Matters: Unpacking Change and Achieving Inclusion (Report)

This study presents a Corporate Practice Change Model to navigate change and promote inclusion.

Organizational Culture Change

Nestlé – The Gender Balance Initiative (Practices)

Nestlé has committed to developing, advancing, and providing equal opportunities for women.


Anatomy of Change: How Inclusive Cultures Evolve (Report)

Candid, respectful communication (and lots of it) is the foundation for building a more inclusive workplace.

Organizational Culture Change

Natura – Fostering Innovation, Empowering Employees, and Developing Communities: Sustainability for Business and Society (Practices)

Learn about Natura's efforts at sustaining the communities within which it operates.

Inclusive Communications

HCL Technologies – Employees First: A Philosophy for Workplace Transformation (Practices)

HCL Technologies (HCLT), a leading global IT services company headquartered in India, is a client-driven business. As such, it is…

Toronto Dominion Bank Group – Creating Leaders and Unlocking Human Potential: LGBTA Inclusion at TD (Practices)

TD Bank has long focused on diversity and inclusion efforts. The company's Diversity Office and Diversity Leadership Council are composed…


Ford Motor Company – GLOBE: Fostering LGBT Inclusion, Valuing Diversity, and Empowering Authenticity (Practices)

Workplace diversity and including lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) employees is a key component of Ford's business strategy and…