DEI Strategy



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Organizational Culture Change

Profiles in Disruption: The View From Spain (Blog Post)

Catalyst’s #DisruptTheDefault campaign is a call to action for individuals and companies to make bold moves that forge meaningful change for women and men in the workplace—and the world! And our Profiles in Disruption blogs showcase how others are doing this in their lives, their companies, and their countries!


Unilever – MAPS Maternity and Paternity Support (Practices)

In 2013, Unilever examined its retention data and found that there was a disproportionate number of women exiting. Concerned about why women were leaving at such high rates, the company’s […]

Employee Resource Groups

Busting Myths About ERGs, One Resource At A Time (Blog Post)

We asked ERLI’s lead architect, Candice Morgan, to share some key insights about common misperceptions ERG leaders often face, particularly in the early stages of establishing a new group.

Organizational Culture Change

The People’s Cabinet (Blog Post)

The beauty of Canada’s new leadership team is that it looks like the market—the people of Canada—that it is intended to serve.

Recruitment and Retention

In Hockey And Business, Talent Is Key To Building Winning Teams (Blog Post)

While Canada’s success on the ice should certainly be celebrated, it also raises an important question. How is it that we manage to invest so well in our hockey talent, yet we don’t apply the same rigour to areas that are much more important to the strength and future of this country, such as innovation and productivity? 

Inclusive Leadership

Inclusion Is Key to Keeping Canadian High Potentials (Report)

Leveraging Canada's diversity to improve economic performance poses a significant challenge.  

Recruitment and Retention

Why Women Don’t Want to Work for You: An Open Letter to Management (Blog Post)

After reading an eye-opening recent Forbes article about Millennials, I decided “management” might appreciate another letter about some talent issues that seem equally difficult for many company leaders to comprehend.

Organizational Culture Change

Ask Deborah: What’s Catalyst Doing For Women Around The World? (Blog Post)

Every time I visit a new country, my understanding of the challenges working women face grows—and so does my optimism about the level of attention paid to these issues and the opportunities for progress.

Organizational Culture Change

APJ Abdul Kalam: Humility In Leadership (Blog Post)

India’s former president APJ Abdul Kalam, who died on July 27, 2015, had a leadership style many would do well to emulate.

India Inc.: From Intention to Impact (Report)

Many companies in India are having trouble using diversity-focused policies to create an inclusive workplace where women can succeed.

Inclusive Leadership

New Catalyst Report Reveals Secret to Unlocking Innovation in Australia (Media Release)

A ground-breaking new report on employee innovation in Australia by Catalyst, the leading global nonprofit organization advocating for equal opportunities in the workforce, offers important strategies for companies committed to leveraging talent and inspiring breakout ideas. Key points of the report include making employees feel safe enough to bring their authentic selves to work, proposing novel solutions, taking on stretch assignments, and speaking up about problems and tough issues.

Organizational Culture Change

Tanmatra: Developing The Leadership Potential Of Women In India (Blog Post)

Corporate India is now realising the importance of having women in leadership positions. That’s where leadership training programs come in.

Workplace Culture Is Key to Employee Satisfaction (Media Release)

According to findings in Catalyst’s new report, Mind Your Culture Gap, both women and men MBA graduates surveyed want inclusive workplace cultures that not only emphasize integrity and collaboration but also encourage them to achieve their potential and support others.

Think People, Not Just Programs, to Build Inclusive Workplaces (Report)

To create high-performing work cultures, business leaders must pay attention to the people side—how employees connect to the company.

Organizational Culture Change

Mind Your Culture Gap to Keep Your Top Talent (Infographic)

How different is your existing culture from the culture that high potentials actually want?

Organizational Culture Change

5 Facts You Need To Know About Buying Power (Blog Post)

What is Buying Power? Who has it? And what are consumers spending on?

Organizational Culture Change

Profile In Disruption: Saying Good-Bye To Mad Men – On TV And In Real Life (Blog Post)

The TV show Mad Men has come to an end. But the Mad Men culture lives on in real-world advertising agencies. As founder of The 3% Conference, an organization dedicated to increasing the number of women in leadership roles in advertising agencies, Kat Gordon aims to put an end to that.

Mikhaila Nodel Cosmic Cuties
Organizational Culture Change

Profile in Disruption: Girls Are Awesome the Way They Are (Blog Post)

Meet: Mikhaila Nodel, a 17-year-old high school student and activist from Brooklyn, New York.

Recruitment and Retention

Can You Spot The Gender Bias In This Job Description? (Blog Post)

Whether you’re an employer posting a job or a job seeker looking for one, it’s important to be aware of how certain words in a job description can reflect an organization’s culture and values.

Recruitment and Retention

Pouvez-vous repérer les préjugés sexistes dans cette description de poste? (Article de blog)

Que vous soyez un employeur qui affiche un poste ou un professionnel à la recherche d’un emploi, il est important de comprendre comment l’utilisation de certains mots dans une description de poste peut refléter la culture et les valeurs d’une organisation.