Future of Work

With breakthrough technologies, social movements, globalization, polarizing politics, and the #MeToo movement, diverse and inclusive workplace cultures are more important than ever. Companies and leaders must ensure their organization uses all their diverse talent to remain innovative and competitive now—and in years to come. Policies and promises aren’t enough; there needs to be bold, meaningful action to create a future where women are just as successful as men.



Content Type




Future of Work

Five Tips for Future-Proofing Your Workplace (Blog Post)

What are you doing to make sure your organization will be successful in the future?

Future of Work

Roundtable: Busting Myths and Bias in the Multigenerational Workplace

Join us for a roundtable that will bust generational myths and discuss how your organization can build engagement across generations to create more inclusive workplaces.

Future of Work

Conversation with Catalyst CEO Lorraine Hariton on the Future of Work

Discover Catalyst President Lorraine Hariton's tips on how to lead with an inclusive approach to meet talent shortages.

Organizational Culture Change

More Women in Leadership: How, Why, and When (Blog Post)

Why has it taken so long to diversify senior leadership?  Why is this an opportune moment to make change in…

Future of Work

Inside the 2019 Catalyst Awards: Highlights From the Day (Blog Post)

What does the Future@Work look like for women? That’s what over 800 business leaders came to discuss at the 2019 Catalyst Awards…

Future of Work

Supporter Roundtable: What’s Next? Upcoming Trends in Workplace Inclusion – Toronto

Join this supporter roundtable for a discussion on the effect of future workplace trends and what organizations can do prepare for these changes.

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence: The New Frontier for Confronting Gender Bias (Blog Post)

These tech startups are using AI to try to make gender bias in the workplace a thing of the past.

Le futur du travail: le travail flexible

L’enjeu de la flexibilité des horaires dans les milieux de travail n’a jamais été aussi important. Nos organisations évoluent dans…

Future of Work

The Future Is Here. Is Your Workplace Ready? (Blog Post)

Policies and promises aren’t enough; there needs to be bold, meaningful action.

Future of Work

2019 Catalyst Awards Conference

The 2019 Catalyst Awards Conference was held on March 14. Participants learned from Catalyst experts, Catalyst Award winners, and others.

Future of Work

2019 Catalyst Awards Dinner

Our annual event took place on March 14. Over 1,600 executives honored the 2019 Catalyst Award winners.


Webinar: What is Gender? Let’s Talk About It

This webinar will provide tips and tools to help employers create more inclusive workplaces for all employees regardless of their gender identity.

The Future@Work – Catalyst Canada Honours Conference 2019

Join us at the Future@Work - 2019 Catalyst Canada Honours Conference. Register Now!

Future of Work

Workplace Trends: Today’s Decisions, Tomorrow’s Successes (Tool)

Catalyst has identified six trends that represent significant shifts for workforces, workplaces, and women in the workplace.