Gender Partnership

Gender equality is not just a women’s issue—men also lose out when workplaces are gender-biased. Catalyst’s ground-breaking research on men offers unique insights about men’s career experiences, how to engage them as full partners in creating gender-inclusive workplaces, and solutions rooted in a holistic understanding of how gender affects men’s and women’s behaviors and outcomes in the workplace. Our unique MARC (Men Advocating Real Change) initiative is a community of men and women committed to gender partnership.



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Man in an office environment in the foreground smiling at us; in the background, other employees are in conversation in a kitchenette.

MARC Foundations

This online course provides employees of all levels with a compact introduction to MARC and the topic of gender partnership.

Executives in a conference room having a meeting.

MARC Executive Dialogue

Executives will focus on enhancing their leadership credibility as they build organizational equity and inclusion.


Time to Redefine at the MARC Summit (Blog Post)

The MARC Summit, on December 3-4, is a virtual Catalyst experience that will jumpstart your journey to redefine masculinity.


MARC Summit

Join us December 3–4, 2020, for the MARC Summit, a one-time, virtual Catalyst conference with thought-provoking programming that inspires participants to engage in effective gender partnerships and encourages men to […]

MARC Momentum

MARC Momentum

Explore tough questions about men’s role in gender equity with expert insights, research, discussion starters, and actions to take.


Session 10: The Future of Work

You have reached the final session of MARC Dialogue Teams programming on equity in the workplace. We hope you take the skills and knowledge from this course and magnify them […]


Session 9: Partnership Under Pressure

You’re now in the final quarter of Marc Dialogue Teams: Continue to Learn. In this session, you’ll take a realistic look at the types of stresses and pressures that life […]


Session 8: Move the Needle

You are now at the end of Quarter 3: Share Your Stories. In this session, you’ll take a critical and aspirational look at your own workplace culture, consider where it […]


Session 7: Gender Partnership

You have now reached the middle of Quarter 3, Share Your Stories. In this session, you’ll move beyond simplistic views of “gender partnership” as an issue primarily for women and […]


Session 6: Dynamics of Power and Silence

You are moving into Quarter 3 of MARC Dialogue Teams Year 2: Share Your Stories. In this session, you will identify the organizational culture that prevents you and others from […]


Session 5: Interrupting Sexism

You’re at the end of Quarter 2, Be an Advocate. In this session, you’ll learn the factors that can influence whether a man chooses to interrupt sexism at work or […]


Session 4: What’s the Big Deal?

You’re now in the middle of Quarter 2, Be an Advocate. This month’s session aims to expose the insidious nature of comments and actions that can seem innocuous or even benevolent […]


Session 3: Advocacy Continuum

You are now in Quarter 2 of MARC Dialogue Teams Year 2, Be an Advocate. In this session, you will focus on taking steps to be a consistent advocate on […]


Session 2: Privilege

You’re finishing Quarter 1, Amplify Inclusion, with a very important topic: Privilege. In this session you will learn what privilege does and doesn’t mean—so ask questions and take all the […]


MARC Dialogue Teams Program: Year Two

Welcome to Year Two of the MARC Dialogue Teams program, a group-learning strategy for creating inclusive workplaces on a grassroots level. In your MARC Dialogue Team, you will meet monthly […]


Session 1: Authenticity

Quarter 1 of MARC Dialogue Teams Year 2 is Amplify Inclusion. In this first session, you’ll gather with your team members and prepare for a successful year together. You’ll consider […]

EMEA Virtual Roundtable: Re-examining Gender Partnership

Take a deeper look into the interchangeability of gender roles while highlighting the opportunity to push for behavioural change.


What Makes It Hard to Interrupt Sexism at Work? (Blog Post)

New Catalyst research includes candid stories of men frustrated about their workplace climate.

Canada Virtual Roundtable: Interrompre le sexisme au travail

Des expériences de sexisme au travail sont encore nombreuses pour plusieurs personnes. Alors que chacun a un rôle important à jouer dans la lutte contre le sexisme, les hommes sont […]

Canada Virtual Roundtable: Interrupting Sexism in the Workplace

Join us for a discussion on what steps leaders can take to build more inclusive workplaces.