Gender Partnership

Gender equality is not just a women’s issue—men also lose out when workplaces are gender-biased. Catalyst’s ground-breaking research on men offers unique insights about men’s career experiences, how to engage them as full partners in creating gender-inclusive workplaces, and solutions rooted in a holistic understanding of how gender affects men’s and women’s behaviors and outcomes in the workplace. Our unique MARC (Men Advocating Real Change) initiative is a community of men and women committed to gender partnership.



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Des facteurs organisationnels et un sentiment de pouvoir personnel sont des éléments qui incitent les hommes à intervenir pour interrompre le sexisme (Communiqué de presse)

Des facteurs organisationnels et un sentiment de pouvoir personnel sont des éléments qui incitent les hommes à intervenir pour interrompre le sexisme


Organizational Factors and Personal Agency Influence Men’s Willingness to Interrupt Sexism (Media Release)

New Catalyst research highlights that men’s personal agency determines whether or not they respond directly.


Combative Cultures Prevent Men from Interrupting Sexism (Infographic)

Combative cultures prevent men from interrupting sexism at work. Learn about combative cultures and how leaders can build inclusive workplaces.


Interrupting Sexism at Work: What Drives Men to Respond Directly or Do Nothing? (Report)

New Catalyst research examines what influences men’s willingness and ability to interrupt sexism at work.


Chevron’s Chief Diversity Officer: ‘The Majority Has the Power to Uncork the Pace of Change’ (Blog Post)

“Don’t underestimate the power of empathy,” says Lee Jourdan, Chevron’s Chief Diversity Officer.


Why Don’t Men Challenge Workplace Sexism? (Blog Post)

Catalyst's Negin Sattari discusses new research on what impacts men’s decisions to interrupt sexism at work—and how that plays out in a pandemic.

A man presenting to a conference room full of other men.

How Men Respond to Sexism in a Climate of Silence (Report)

New Catalyst research reveals that a climate of silence hinders men’s willingness to interrupt sexist behavior.


La Mayoría de los Hombres Encuestados Quieren Interrumpir el Sexismo; Sienten Seguros de Hacerlo (Comunicado de prensa)

Investigación de Catalyst muestra que el "clima de silencio" determina cómo responden los hombres al sexismo.


Most Men Surveyed Want to Interrupt Sexism; Fewer Feel Confident (Media Release)

New Catalyst research shows “climate of silence” determines how men respond to sexism in the workplace.

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Does Your Organization Have a Climate of Silence? (Infographic)

Organizational silence prevents men from speaking up against sexism at work. Learn the warning signs leaders should look out for.


MARC Talks Mental Fitness: Being an Advocate for Inclusion in Challenging Times (Webinar Recording)

What are the “saboteurs” that can send us defaulting back into our biases or other non-constructive behaviors?

Catalyst Award Winner

Deloitte: 8 Steps We Took to Advance Gender Equity (Blog Post)

Clare Harding and Margaret Dreyer share Deloitte Australia’s inclusion strategies.

What Does Gender Partnership Look Like in Covid-19? (Video Blog Post)

On April 21, 2020, Vice President of Men Advocating Real Change (MARC) Alix Pollack and Senior Director of MARC Branding Ludo Gabriele shared an engaging conversation about how men can […]

Shot of an affectionate young couple having a discussion about something on their date at a coffee shop

How Men Can Show Up as Gender Partners During Covid-19 (Blog Post)

Forget old roles. Here are four ways men can be partners in gender equity.


Reexamining Gender Partnership at Work During Covid-19 (Blog Post)

Now is the time to make meaningful change. Catalyst’s Alix Pollack and Ludo Gabriele explain.


Session 10: Commit to Action

You’ll reflect on what you’ve learned and create a continuing learning and leadership plan.


Session 9: Interrupting Exclusion

You’ll learn techniques to intervene when witnessing exclusive behaviors, and ways to model inclusive behaviors.


Session 8: Courageous Conversations

You and your team members will practice having conversations with someone of a different gender, race, or ethnicity.


Session 7: Words Matter

You and your team will discuss ways that words or actions can unintentionally offend or hurt.


Session 6: Identity & Inclusion

In this session, you’ll look some at gender stereotypes and the way they inform our notion of leadership.