Gender Pay Gap

The gender pay gap is alive and well, even though closing it, along with the gaps in opportunity and leadership, isn’t just the smart thing to do, it’s the right thing to do. Fortunately, business leaders and organizations have an opportunity to help move the needle right now to close these gaps, because until women achieve parity in business leadership roles, they will be marginalized in every other arena, and the pay gap will remain.



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Gender Pay Gap

Equal Pay Day: Isn’t It Time Women Get Paid Fairly? (Blog Post)

April 12 is Equal Pay Day, the date that symbolizes how far into the year women must work to earn what men earned in the previous year. Let’s just take a moment to reflect on what that means.

Catalyst Award Winner

Gap Inc. – Women and Opportunity (Practices)

Read the Japanese translation of this page. 日本語はこちらのページをご覧下さい。 Women and Opportunity is Gap Inc.'s global initiative and strategy to align…

Gender Pay Gap

Ten Numbers That Reveal Australia’s Gender-Equality Challenge (Blog Post)

Australian employers are required to report every year on pay and the composition of their workforce, by gender. Here’s what the latest data shows us.

Gender Pay Gap

Celebrate Women’s Equality Day By Fighting For Equal Pay (Blog Post)

Every August 26th Catalyst is proud to celebrate Women’s Equality Day, a date selected to commemorate the 1920 passage of the 19th Amendment to the US Constitution, which guaranteed US women the right to vote. This year we are fighting for equality by continuing to highlight stories of pay inequity.

Gender Pay Gap

Next Goal In Women’s Soccer? Closing The Pay Gap (Blog Post)

Pay inequality is alive and well, and it doesn’t only exist within corporate offices. When it comes to competing on the fields and courts, female athletes take home less than their male counterparts.

Board Diversity

Women Leaders Are Well Positioned To Lead In The Global Economy (Blog Post)

According to recent Catalyst data, women hold only 23 (4.6%) of CEO positions at S&P 500 companies and 19.2% of board seats at US stock index companies. In 2013 and 2012, one-tenth of Fortune 500 companies had zero women on their boards. Meanwhile, the gender wage gap has barely budged in a decade.

Gender Pay Gap

More Real-Life Stories Of Unequal Pay (Blog Post)

Every year on Equal Pay Day, Catalyst blogs about the frustratingly persistent gender pay gap. This year, we decided to go beyond the numbers and ask real women to share their stories of pay inequity in their own words. We included two such stories on our blog last week; below are two more. We are sorry to say there are more to come.

Gender Pay Gap

Equal Pay Day: The Real Cost Of Pay Inequity (Blog Post)

We decided to go beyond the numbers this year and ask real women to share their stories of pay inequity on our Catalyzing blog. I’ve included just a few of these below; unfortunately, there are more to come.

Gender Pay Gap

How To Negotiate Your Salary Like A Boss (Blog Post)

You’ll never know unless you ask!

Recruitment and Retention

High-Potential Women in Europe (Infographic)

Women working in Europe trail their male counterparts in position, pay, and the management responsibilities critical to advancement.

Is There ‘Inequality Amongst Equals’ for Women Working in Europe? (Media Release)

Highly qualified women working in Europe are lagging behind their male counterparts in both pay and seniority, despite having the same qualifications, the same work experience, the same ambition to reach the top, and using all the same tactics as men to get ahead says Catalyst's newly released research study, "High-Potential Women In Europe."

India’s High Potential Women in Technology Aim High But Earn Less (Media Release)

High-potential women in India’s thriving technology sector begin their careers as equals with men, with similar aspirations to the highest levels including that of CEO, according to a new Catalyst report. Despite this very promising start, a gender gap soon results in women earning less and receiving fewer opportunities that lead to advancement, conditions that contribute to fewer women in critical senior-level positions and a pay gap between women and men that expands over time.

The Promise of Future Leadership: A Research Program on Highly Talented Employees in the Pipeline

2009 - 2015 Catalyst's longitudinal project, The Promise of Future Leadership: A Research Program on Highly Talented Employees in the…

Recruitment and Retention

PepsiCo Mexico – Promoting Gender Equity and Women’s Leadership: Creating Inclusive Environments and Developing Female Talent (Practices)

PepsiCo Mexico's mission of sustainability is termed “Desempeño con Sentido,” or “Performance with Purpose.” As part of this mission, the…

Catalyst Award Winner

Telstra Corporation Limited – Next Generation Gender Diversity: Accelerating Change for Women Leaders (Practices)

Telstra's initiative, Next Generation Gender Diversity: Accelerating Change for Women Leaders, uses an integrated approach to increase women's representation at…