Implicit Bias

Implicit bias (also known as “unconscious bias”) exists in each person’s world view, affecting our behavior from the classroom to the workplace. We don’t necessarily feel it, but many of those around us do. As a result, implicit bias creates barriers to inclusion, performance, engagement, and, ultimately, innovation. And while we cannot completely rid ourselves of implicit bias, learning how to mitigate its impact is a skill that everyone can learn.



Content Type




Webinar: Advancing Gender Parity Through Sponsorship

Learn how organizations support purpose-driven leaders and protect against diversity fatigue.

Canada Virtual Event: In Good Company – Uprooting Workplace Inequality

Join us for a dynamic conversation on barriers diverse women face to employment and advancement in the corporate world.

Race, Ethnicity, and Culture

Why Intersectionality Matters (Blog Post)

Race and gender are critical but not the whole story, explains Catalyst's Corin Ramos.

Inclusive Leadership

Inclusion Workshops

Give your managers the skills they need to succeed in uncertain times.

Q&A with Minda Harts – How COVID-19 is Impacting Women of Color

Join Minda Harts and Rachel Thomas as they discuss the impact of COVID-19 on women of color and how to support impacted communities.

Catalyst Award Winner

Unilever: How We Achieved Gender Balance in Management and Inclusion (Blog Post)

Aline Santos, Global Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer, shares the steps Unilever has taken.

Webinar: Leading with Resiliency: Celebrating Asian Heritage

Learn more recommendations and best practices to combat racism in the workplace from Asian Women Leaders.

Implicit Bias

International Women’s Day 2020: Now Is The Moment To #BiasCorrect (Webinar Recording)

International Women’s Day (IWD) is an annual day of awareness-building and celebration, dedicated to accelerating the progress of women’s social,…

Implicit Bias

Abrasive–or Assertive? How Unconscious Bias Affected My Career (Blog Post)

Catalyst CEO Lorraine Hariton on how unconscious bias has affected her -- and all women.

#BiasCorrect International Women’s Day Campaign Returns (Media Release)

Campaign expanded to engage men and offer tools in multiple languages.

Implicit Bias

CANCELLED: Interrupting Unconscious Bias, Building Inclusive Workplaces, Mississauga, ON

Given the growing concerns around COVID-19 and as a reflection of our values, we have made the decision to postpone the…

CANCELLED: Unconscious Bias: Let’s Talk About It! Tokyo, Japan

In order to avoid pandemic coronavirus infections, this event has been postponed until further notice. If you have questions, please…

International Women’s Day 2020: Now Is The Moment To #BiasCorrect

International Women’s Day (IWD) is an annual day of awareness-building and celebration, dedicated to accelerating the progress of women’s social,…

Implicit Bias

11 Harmful Types of Unconscious Bias and How to Interrupt Them (Blog Post)

Gender bias is just one type. Learn about others as well as how to interrupt them.

Managing Affinity Bias: Knowledge Burst

Managers must learn to recognize the very human tendency to want to be around people who are just like them. Available in French and Spanish.

Implicit Bias

Disabilities: Flip the Script (Infographic)

Rather than focus on a person's abilities, focus on creating connections and engaging with that person.

Implicit Bias

Eliminating the Double Bind (Webinar Recording)

Catalyst's Kimberly Doyle reviews three predicaments that put women in a “double bind,” and how to eliminate them.

Implicit Bias

Interrupt Unconscious Bias: Become an Inclusive Leader

This Catalyst Roundtable is hosted by OpenText, delivered by Interweave, and powered by Catalyst.


Retaining Women in STEM: Knowledge Burst

This 10-minute microlearning teaches managers how to retain more women in STEM by giving inclusive feedback.

Organizational Culture Change

Running More Inclusive Meetings: Knowledge Burst

This 10-minute microlearning will teach you how to run a more productive, inclusive meeting. Available in Spanish and French.