Inclusive Leadership

Research shows that inclusive leadership plays an important role in making employees feel valuable and included, which has a positive impact on team and organizational performance. We can all become better leaders by learning and continuously developing the traits of inclusive leadership.



Content Type




Sponsorship and Mentoring

Kimberly-Clark Corporation – Fostering Talent Development Through Sponsorship (Practices)

Executives at Kimberly-Clark are expected to sponsor high-potential employees.

Sponsorship and Mentoring

Deutsche Bank – ATLAS Accomplished Top Leaders Advancement Strategy (Practices)

Deutsche Bank's Accomplished Top Leaders Advancement Strategy (ATLAS) sponsorship program was launched in 2009 with the goal of improving the…

Inclusive Leadership

Ernst & Young LLP – Inclusiveness Roundtable Champions (Practices)

During annual performance review meetings—called Roundtables—each Ernst & Young business unit across the United States and Canada provides an Inclusiveness…

Allyship and Advocacy

HSBC North America – Valuing Diversity Champions: Diversity Ambassador Awards Program (Practices)

Diversity is part of HSBC - North America's corporate brand and values. The Diversity Ambassador Award program rewards and recognizes…

DEI Messaging

Deloitte & Touche LLP, Canada – The Role of Chief Diversity Officer (Practices)

In January 2008, Deloitte & Touche LLP, Canada, announced its creation of the role of Chief Diversity Officer (CDO). At…

Organizational Culture Change

IBM Canada – Enhancing Inclusion Through Critical Relationships and Cultural Awareness (Practices)

IBM Canada developed specialized programming to leverage diversity and support diverse groups. Two programs developed to enhance relationships in the workplace include: Diversity Network Groups (DNGs) and Diversity Training for People Managers.

Catalyst Award Winner

American Express Company – Building a Winning Culture: Accountability Counts (Practices)

Efforts to build a winning culture—one which diversity is a key component—are part of an evolution at American Express. The…

Catalyst Award Winner

The Northern Trust Company – Sustained Leadership Commitment: Diversity at Work (Practices)

Senior management of The Northern Trust Company recognizes the role played by a diverse workforce in achieving unrivaled client service…