Inclusive Workplaces
Cigna – Cultural Agility and Global Leadership Development Through International Immersion and Volunteerism (Practices)
Learn about Cigna's ongoing diversity and inclusion efforts.
Interrupting Biases and Stereotypes: Becoming Inclusive Leaders (Webinar Recording)
This webinar explored how both individuals and organizations can combat biases and stereotypes.
Handling Difficult Conversations (Blog Post)
Rajat Garg shares his thoughts on what makes it easier to have difficult conversations.
Gap Inc. – Women and Opportunity (Practices)
Women and Opportunity is Gap Inc.’s global initiative and strategy to align all efforts related to women, including employees, customers, supply-chain workers, and women within the broader community. Gender equality, […]
Inclusivity: The Road To A Great Leader (Blog Post)
There are many successful leaders today. But how many of them actually lead?
Inclusion Is Key to Keeping Canadian High Potentials (Report)
Leveraging Canada's diversity to improve economic performance poses a significant challenge.
無意識のバイアスとは何ですか? (ツール)
Four Leaders Who Exemplify Inclusive Leadership (Blog Post)
At Catalyst we often talk about the four behaviors our global research has linked to inclusion: empowerment, accountability, courage, and humility—or, as we like to call them, “EACH,” as in “each and every one of us” has the power to develop these traits!
Ask Deborah: What Does “Feminist Leadership” Look Like? (Blog Post)
I’m currently enrolled in a leadership program with Coady International Institute and the Canadian Women's Foundation. We are unpacking both the need for feminist leadership and how to operationalize this in our everyday practice. I was wondering if you could provide insight on what this looks like in practice?
4 Ways To Boost Your Team’s Innovation (Blog Post)
We most recently examined inclusive leadership in Australia, and found important lessons for all leaders, regardless of region.
New Catalyst Report Reveals Secret to Unlocking Innovation in Australia (Media Release)
A ground-breaking new report on employee innovation in Australia by Catalyst, the leading global nonprofit organization advocating for equal opportunities in the workforce, offers important strategies for companies committed to leveraging talent and inspiring breakout ideas. Key points of the report include making employees feel safe enough to bring their authentic selves to work, proposing novel solutions, taking on stretch assignments, and speaking up about problems and tough issues.
The Secret to Inclusion in Australian Workplaces: Psychological Safety (Report)
Inclusive leaders—those who enact the four behaviours of empowerment, accountability, courage, and humility (EACH)—achieve great results.
Unlock Employee Innovation (Infographic)
Learn how inclusive leaders create psychological safety, which is key to innovation.
Unconscious Bias & The Implications of the “Under Cover” Employee (Webinar Recording)
This webinar highlighted how to recognize unconscious stereotypic thinking in yourself and others and how to develop inclusive leadership skills.
What I Learned From Catalyst’s EdX Course On Inclusive Leadership (Blog Post)
Catalyst’s Inclusive Leadership Course taught me a great deal about everyday leadership. Before I took this course I thought that leadership couldn’t be taught; now I know I was wrong.
Leading From The Heart (Blog Post)
Feminists have frequently borrowed an expression from Isaac Newton, who gave credit to his predecessors when he said, “If I have seen further, it’s because I have stood on the shoulders of giants.”
Can You Spot The Gender Bias In This Job Description? (Blog Post)
Whether you’re an employer posting a job or a job seeker looking for one, it’s important to be aware of how certain words in a job description can reflect an organization’s culture and values.
Inclusive Leadership: A Business Imperative (Webinar Recording)
This webinar focused on what inclusion is, why it is so important to a company's culture, and how companies and employees perceive and foster inclusive leadership behaviors.
Ask Deborah: How Can We Make Sure National and Cultural Differences Aren’t Obstacles to Success? (Blog Post)
In this month’s Ask Deborah, we posed a reader’s question about equipping hiring managers to counteract the biases women of different national identities and cultural backgrounds often face.
Become an Inclusive Leader in Two Easy Steps (Blog Post)
Catalyst’s first MOOC (Massive Online Open Course) is called “Inclusive Leadership Training: Becoming a Successful Leader.” It’s an introduction to inclusive leadership, a practice that brings out the best in people by emphasizing the importance of traits like accountability, empowering others, and being courageous and humble.