
Intersectionality is a framework for understanding how social identities—such as gender, race, ethnicity, social class, religion, sexual orientation, ability, and gender identity—overlap with one another and with systems of power that oppress and advantage people in the workplace and broader community. Applying this perspective to your work is critical to building a more inclusive working environment.



Content Type




Sexual Harassment

Sexual Harassment and Women of Color (Blog Post)

Women of color experience both racialized and sexualized harassment and assault, stemming from the historical context of their experiences.

Race, Ethnicity, and Culture

What’s Keeping Latinas From The Top? (Blog Post)

Several years ago, when I was contemplating leaving my job in academia, I wouldn’t have believed you if you’d told me that someday soon I would land my dream job working with corporate America to help companies increase their Latinx representation. But it’s true, and that’s what I have been doing for the past five years.

Organizational Culture Change

Turn Perception Into Reality (Infographic)

Good News: Most people think we should have gender equality. Bad News: They believe we've already achieved it.

Race, Ethnicity, and Culture

No, Black Women Still Don’t Earn The Same As Their White Peers. Here’s Why. (Blog Post)

The gender pay gap is partly a result of systemic barriers and biases—not because of skills and qualifications.

Race, Ethnicity, and Culture

Becoming An Authentic Leader: A Toolbox for Professionals of Color (Blog Post)

Authentic leadership can be a powerful inner resource as a toolbox for all leaders. By leading “authentically” from within, leaders can promote their values, provide vision, and engender confidence from their superiors, peers, and direct reports. Accessing and expressing an inner roadmap to authenticity can be a complex landscape for leaders of color to navigate.

Gender Representation

Despite Modest Gains, Women and People of Color See Little Change in Representation on Fortune 500 Boards (Media Release)

While boardroom diversity in Fortune 100 and Fortune 500 companies has increased for women and certain minority groups, according to the Missing Pieces Report, studies reveal that minority men and women experienced only slight gains from 2010 to 2016.

Gender Representation

Missing Pieces: The 2016 Board Diversity Census of Women and Minorities on Fortune 500 Boards (Report)

Find out how many women and people of color sat on US boards in 2016.

Race, Ethnicity, and Culture

Starting Conversations About Gender, Race, and Ethnicity in the Workplace (Webinar Recording)

Talking about our differences is difficult. Discussing how some aspects of your identities differ from other people’s—and ways you may experience privilege and disadvantage—can feel uncomfortable, accusatory, and potentially threatening. […]

Inclusive Communications

Barclays – How Barclays is Creating an Inclusive Workplace (Practices)

Learn about Barclays' history of diversity and inclusion and how they continue to excel on that journey.

Race, Ethnicity, and Culture

Catalyst and Ascend Canada Partner on Critical Research about Gender, Race and Ethnicity in Canadian Workplaces (Media Release)

Catalyst and Ascend Canada are collaborating on a longitudinal initiative on gender, race and ethnicity and the challenges and opportunities related to achieving inclusion in the Canadian workplace.

Race, Ethnicity, and Culture

Catalyst and ESSENCE Magazine Team Up to Examine the Emotional Tax Black Women Bear at Work (Media Release)

In its October 2016 report "Emotional Tax: How Black Women and Men Pay More at Work and How Leaders Can Take Action," Catalyst shares new data—prepared exclusively for ESSENCE magazine—revealing an “emotional tax” that Black professionals can feel at work and the associated detrimental effects on their health, well-being, and ability to thrive at work.

Emotional Tax

Emotional Tax: How Black Women and Men Pay More at Work and How Leaders Can Take Action (Report)

Emotional Tax is the experience of being different from peers because of your gender/race/ethnicity and the associated detrimental effects

Inclusive Communications

Engaging in Conversations About Gender, Race, and Ethnicity in the Workplace (Tool)

Learn how to acknowledge—and work through—roadblocks (i.e., beliefs, attitudes, or experiences) that can stifle conversations.

Catalyst’s 2016 D&I Logues Conference to Focus on Generating Positive Organizational Change Through Inclusive Leadership (Media Release)

On September 29, Catalyst, the global expert on accelerating progress for women through workplace inclusion, will host its second D&I Logues Conference, which gathers together global leaders and influencers to engage in deep conversations about diversity and inclusion (D&I) efforts throughout India. The event is set to explore how individuals and companies can intentionally enact four inclusive leadership behaviors—Empowerment, Accountability, Courage, and Humility (EACH)—which Catalyst research has associated with team citizenship and employee innovation.

Race, Ethnicity, and Culture

Catalyst Welcomes Loaned P&G Executive Colleen E. Jay (Media Release)

Catalyst, the global expert on accelerating progress for women through workplace inclusion, announced Colleen E. Jay, President, Global Beauty Specialty Businesses at P&G, is joining the organization as a Loaned Senior Executive as of September 2016.

Race, Ethnicity, and Culture

United in One Goal: Diversity in the German Soccer Team (Blog Post)

The German football team is a celebration of the country’s diversity, with nine out of the 23 players having one or both of their parents born outside Germany, in countries including Tunisia, Senegal, Albania, Ghana, and the Ivory Coast.


Journey to Authenticity: Being a LGBT Ally, Yet Feeling Like a Fraud (Blog Post)

“Do I truly live up to being an ally who accepts everyone?” and, “What does being an ally even look like?”


Creating Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Inclusive Workplaces (Webinar Recording)

This webinar will share how you can increase the engagement of LGBT employees by creating a workplace where both uniqueness and belongingness are valued.

New 2015 Catalyst Census: Overwhelming Majority of New Directorships Continue to go to Men, Board Seats for Women Not on Path to Parity (Media Release)

Catalyst, the global expert on accelerating progress for women through workplace inclusion, has released data revealing that although some U.S. companies are prioritizing board diversity—building it into the fabric of their key talent decision-making—they still have a long way to go before women’s representation on their boards and throughout their executive ranks is near parity with men.

Sponsorship and Mentoring

SHARE Ask Deborah: What Does It Take To Prepare The Next Generation For Leadership? (Blog Post)

There are many qualities that are associated with great leaders. At Catalyst we have found that the best leaders exhibit the EACH behaviors: Encouragement, Accountability, Courage and Humility. But how do we prepare future generations for leadership?