Race, Ethnicity, and Culture

We all have multiple identities that affect our life experiences, how we perceive the world around us, and how we are perceived by others. Our gender, race, ethnicity, and culture intersect to shape the opportunities and challenges we face at work. Acknowledging and addressing this reality is key to creating inclusive workplaces.



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Race, Ethnicity, and Culture

They Had A Dream: Martin Luther King’s Vision Lives On In These Leaders (Blog Post)

My great-grandmother had a dream that she, her daughters, her grandchildren, and her great-grandchildren would have opportunities beyond the roles that her parents had as sharecroppers and housemaids. Decades later, I made it a point to bring her vision to fruition by becoming the first person in my family to graduate from college.

Race, Ethnicity, and Culture

Your Take: Will the UK’s Push to Remove Names from Job and College Applications Combat Racial Bias? (Blog Post)

Many people believe that their birth names have hindered their advancement in their education and their careers, and there is research to prove that is the case. According to a 2003 study conducted by Marianne Bertrand and Sendhil Mullainathan that examined racial discrimination in the workforce, resumes with white-sounding names got 50% more callbacks for interviews than those with black-sounding names.

Race, Ethnicity, and Culture

Four Inspirational Toys That Break Stereotypes (Blog Post)

This holiday season, let’s give our children toys that serve two purposes: they should be fun to play with and introduce kids to careers that traditionally have lacked gender and racial diversity. Over the past few years, several toys have been put out on the market that do just that. Here are a fe

Race, Ethnicity, and Culture

Rising To The Top: The Importance Of Resources For Women Of Color (Blog Post)

Without trust, biases and stereotyping may influence how coworkers and managers interact with their women of color colleagues. Black women’s perceived stereotyping by their coworkers also hindered their advancement.

Catalyst Canada Participates in OSC Roundtable to Discuss Compliance with Gender Diversity Rules (Media Release)

Catalyst Canada Executive Director Alex Johnston participated in a roundtable hosted by the Ontario Securities Commission (OSC) to discuss the first review of TSX-listed issuers since the implementation of new disclosure requirements regarding the representation of women on boards and in senior management.

Race, Ethnicity, and Culture

Taking Down The Confederate Flag And Other Small Wins (Blog Post)

The passage of time does not heal all wounds, but it can make a start.

Race, Ethnicity, and Culture

Charleston Shows Racism Is Still With Us (Blog Post)

To fight the discrimination we’ve uncovered in our nearly twenty years of research on women of color at work, Catalyst has also launched the 2015 Women of Color Research Agenda: New Approaches and New Solutions, which will allow us to expand our groundbreaking research in this area and make progress not just on identifying problems but offering solutions.

Race, Ethnicity, and Culture

Catalyst’s Women Of Color Summit: A New Course Of Action (Blog Post)

Women in the workplace are often confronted with obstacles that impede their advancement to leadership positions. For women of color, visible minority women, and indigenous women, these obstacles are affected by the intersections of race, ethnicity, class, and gender.

Women of Color Remain Severely Underrepresented in U.S. Workforce and on Boards (Media Release)

Recent data from Catalyst shows that women of color make up only 16.5% of the S&P 500 labor force. And as job level increases, the number of women of color decreases drastically—especially at the executive and C-suite levels. As a call to action, Catalyst will host the Women of Color Summit, gathering global experts to provide fresh thinking and spark change for women of color.

Race, Ethnicity, and Culture

Profile In Disruption: Disrupting The Default For Women Of Color (Blog Post)

As we reflect on the strides and accomplishments made by African Americans during Black History Month, we’re also faced with the reality that women of color are still confronted with hurdles in the workplace. They’re often stereotyped, have limited opportunities, and they’re on the low end of the wage gap.

Race, Ethnicity, and Culture

Millennial Voices: Keeping The Dream Alive (Blog Post)

Until we can unanimously accept that America’s race problem has not evaporated, but instead has in some ways become even more deeply entrenched in our culture and collective psyche, we cannot hope to move beyond it. It’s

Catalyst Announces Two New Leaders in Europe (Media Release)

Catalyst announces the appointment of Allyson Zimmermann as Executive Director, Catalyst Europe, and Eileen Taylor, Chief Executive Officer, DB UK Bank, Ltd., as Chair of the Catalyst Europe Advisory Board (CEAB). 

Catalyst Canada Recognizes BMO CEO Bill Downe for his Extraordinary Leadership in Advancing Women in Business (Media Release)

Catalyst fifth annual Catalyst Canada Honours celebration extended special thanks and recognition to Bill Downe, Chief Executive Officer of BMO Financial Group, and Chair, Catalyst Canada Advisory Board, for his leadership and dedication to expanding opportunities for women in business.

Breaking Barriers for Women in Corporate Mexico? Not So Fast (Media Release)

Cultural and organizational barriers are stifling women’s progress in Mexico, keeping female labor force participation lower than in nearly all other emerging markets, according to a new report by Catalyst, the leading nonprofit research organization with a mission to expand opportunities for women and business globally.

¿Rompiendo barreras para las mujeres en el México corporativo? No tan rápido (Comunicado de prensa)

Las barreras culturales y organizacionales sofocan el avance de las mujeres, dice un nuevo reporte emitido por Catalyst, la organización líder y sin fines de lucro en la expansión de oportunidades para las mujeres y las empresas.

Sponsorship and Mentoring

Goldman Sachs – Fostering Trusting Relationships and Investing in the Pipeline: A Multi-Pronged Approach to Developing Diverse Talent (Practices)

Emerging Leaders Program (ELP) is a career management program designed to enhance the progression and retention of strong-performing black and…

Entering Japan Marketplace, Catalyst Honors Prime Minister Abe (Media Release)

Catalyst announces that it is bringing its global expertise in expanding opportunities for women and business to the Japan market, with the launch of Catalyst Japan, building on the momentum of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s focus on women as key to Japan’s economic growth.

Catalystは日本での活動開始にあたり、 安倍首相に「Catalyst 表彰」を贈呈いたしました

Catalyst (カタリスト)は、日本の女性の社会参画とビジネスの進展に貢献するグローバルな専門知識を日本で共有すべく、このたびCatalyst Japanを創設いたしました。

Infographic: It’s Not Easy Feeling Different

Learn how feeling different from our coworkers can have unique disadvantages in the workplace.

Sponsorship and Mentoring

Haynes and Boone, LLP – Women’s Leadership Academy and Minority Attorney Connections (Practices)

Learn about the progress of people from underrepresented groups after a mentoring and professional development program was launched at Haynes and Boone.