Recruitment and Retention

Recruitment and retention is an integrated strategy for successfully recruiting, developing, retaining, and advancing employees to improve business performance. It includes performance management, succession planning, competency management, career development, systems integration, and leadership development. Effective recruitment and retention practices produce and sustain a gender-diverse workforce.



Content Type




Organizational Culture Change

Infosys – Driving Work-Life Effectiveness Through Employee Empowerment at Infosys (Practices)

A central component of Infosys’ strategy was the creation of the role of global counselors, who ensure that women and men are effectively supported in their careers and personal lives.


McCarthy Tétrault LLP – Increasing Retention of Women Lawyers: The Parental Leave Program (Practices)

To bring the retention of women lawyers further into alignment with the firm’s progressive history of recruiting women, McCarthy Tétrault transformed the various regional parental leave policies into a firm-wide supportive and comprehensive Parental Leave Program.

Flexible Work

Dow Corning – Leaders and Managers Driving WLE (Practices)

Beginning in 2004, Dow Corning began to proactively increase flexibility within the work environment in order to support and retain…

Recruitment and Retention

Manpower – Talent Development Program (Practices)

Manpower's Talent Development Program helps objectively identify high-potentials and create and sustain a pool of talented, experienced employees from which…

Organizational Culture Change

PepsiCo, Inc. – People Processes (Practices)

PepsiCo has established very robust People Processes that integrate multiple HR initiatives including performance management, talent development, and career development.…

Recruitment and Retention

RBC (Royal Bank of Canada) – Integrating Diversity and Inclusion into Talent Management (Practices)

RBC's diversity priorities include being a recognized leader in workforce diversity at all levels of the organization; being the financial…

Sponsorship and Mentoring

Humana, Inc. – Building High Potential Talent With the Women in Leadership Program (Practices)

Humana, Inc., began its executive coaching program, Women in Leadership, in 2006. Participants were selected based on potential to advance…

Employee Resource Groups

Citigroup Inc. – Meeting Local Needs: Employee Network Groups at Citigroup (Practices)

Citigroup has network groups in the United States and the United Kingdom. With different workforce needs, the network groups have developed in slightly different ways.

Employee Resource Groups

DuPont – DuPont Women’s Network (Practices)

The DuPont Women’s Network strives to reach out and connect women at DuPont across the globe. Global teleconferences are open to all members of the network, although they generally focus on North American activities or issues.

Employee Resource Groups

General Mills Inc. – Success Through Employee Networks (Practices)

General Mills has found that the networks increase employees’ sense of belonging, provide developmental opportunities, and support strategic workforce goals such as retention of top talent.

Sponsorship and Mentoring

Booz & Company – Middle East Women’s Leadership Initiative (Practices)

In 2005, the founder of Booz & Company's Middle East Women's Leadership Initiative (WLI)—the most senior woman in the region—began…

Recruitment and Retention

Pipeline’s Broken Promise (Report)

This report examines the conventional wisdom of the past two decades in regards to women in the pipeline.

Women of Color

General Motors Corporation – Recruiting, Advancing, and Retaining Women of Color Through the Multicultural Women’s Affinity Group (Practices)

General Motors Company believes that creating an open environment for women of color will benefit all employees. In 2004, the…

Catalyst Award Winner

Deloitte LLP – The Women’s Initiative: Living the Lattice (Practices)

Deloitte LLP's The Women's Initiative: Living the Lattice builds on the success of the Task Force of the Initiative for…

Catalyst Award Winner

Campbell Soup Company – Winning in the Workplace, Winning in the Marketplace, Winning With Women (Practices)

Campbell Soup Company's comprehensive initiative, Winning in the Workplace, Winning in the Marketplace, Winning With Women, has utilized employee engagement,…

Catalyst Award Winner

RBC – Client First Transformation: Achieving Business Results and Cultural Revitalization Through Diversity (Practices)

RBC's initiative, Client First Transformation: Achieving Business Results and Cultural Revitalization Through Diversity, embeds diversity and inclusion (D&I) principles into…

DEI Messaging

Sodexo, Inc. – Using Return on Investment Results to Measure Executive Mentoring Success (Practices)

Sodexo, Inc., launched its North American mentoring initiative in 2005 based on strong empirical evidence regarding the importance—for both employee…

Sponsorship and Mentoring

Ernst & Young LLP – Employee Advocacy Through Career Planning and Mentoring (Practices)

Ernst & Young recognizes the importance of diversity and inclusiveness as a critical strategic driver for their business. The firm's…

Recruitment and Retention

2009 Catalyst Member Benchmarking (Report)

This report focuses on organizational practices that support women's career advancement.

Recruitment and Retention

Opportunity or Setback? High Potential Women and Men During Economic Crisis (Report)

This report examines whether organizations that have paid a premium to recruit up-and-coming talent are leveraging that investment during the economic downturn.