Sponsorship and Mentoring

Sponsors are advocates in positions of authority who use their influence intentionally to help others advance, while mentors provide advice, feedback, and coaching. Both are important to advancement as employees navigate the workplace and earn opportunities for growth.



Content Type




Inclusive Leadership

Is DEI authentic? Caroline Wanga says we need a reframe.

"Our authentic self feeds our career, workplace, and interpersonal relationships. That is non-negotiable."

Gender Pay Gap

Unlock Equity for Women of Color: 5 Strategies from Google

The gender pay gap (the difference between the earnings for men and women) for women of color is a serious…

Inclusive Leadership

Celebrating Women in the Workplace Who Promote Systemic Change

For Women's History Month, Catalyst staff members share insights on how leaders can help create systemic change at work.

Webinar Recording: Driving the Catalyst Effect: Women Leaders Cultivating Workplace Equity

In celebration of the 2024 International Women’s Day, watch an inspiring webinar highlighting women who are trailblazers in driving positive transformation in their workplaces and beyond.

Sponsorship and Mentoring

Mentorship and Sponsorship Are Keys to Unlocking the Next Generation of Talent

Catalyst Honours speakers share how companies can achieve true equity and inclusion through mentorship and sponsorship programs.

Champions For Change

2024 C4C Toolkit

Access the 2024 Champions For Change Toolkit and celebrate the honor of being amongst over 80+ leaders and corporations who've made a pledge to collect, track, and share corporate data around pay equity, employee retention and gender representation at all levels.

Black History Month Webinar: Black Women and the Glass Cliff

Join this webinar to explore the experiences of Black women in leadership roles with the "glass cliff" - the idea that even when women do reach the top levels of the corporate ladder, they do so during periods when the company experiences poor performance or turmoil and thus their positions are inherently risky and precarious.

Sponsorship and Mentoring

Allyship in the Workplace: Leadership Practices That Support Career Advancement for Black Women

Learn how leaders and managers can support Black women and create meaningful career pathways to support their advancement and leadership.

Managing with a Sponsorship Mindset: Why Mentorship Isn’t Enough

Mentoring is essential to leadership development—but mentorship alone is not enough to help women advance.

Sponsorship and Mentoring

Sponsorship and Mentoring: Ask Catalyst Express

Understand the difference between role models, coaches, mentors, and sponsors with data and resources on mentorship and sponsoring women in organizations.

Organizational Culture Change

How Parexel Won the Catalyst Award

Representation of women in senior leadership at Parexel increased across each job band level globally between 2014 and 2021.

Organizational Culture Change

How Boston Scientific Won the Catalyst Award

Between 2017 and 2020, women in executive leadership roles at global organization Boston Scientific increased from 12.5% to 26.7%.

Sponsorship and Mentoring

Dear Senior Leaders, You Need to Sponsor More Women (Blog Post)

Catalyst COO Stacey Bain shares how to up your sponsorship game.

CANCELLED: Managing With a Sponsorship Mindset: Why Mentorship Isn’t Enough

Catalyst research can support managers in adopting a sponsorship mindset to develop and grow a thriving team.

Managing With a Sponsorship Mindset: Why Mentorship Isn’t Enough

Catalyst research can support managers in adopting a sponsorship mindset to develop and grow a thriving team.

Sponsorship and Mentoring

Leading With a Sponsorship Mindset: Knowledge Burst

Sponsorship not only accelerates women’s careers; it increases your skillset as an inclusive leader. Learn actions you can take today.

Sponsorship and Mentoring

Advancing Gender Parity Through Sponsorship (Webinar Recording)

Learn what executive sponsorship is and how you can use it to create a path forward for women at your organization.

Sponsorship and Mentoring

Supporting Refugee Women Through Mentorship (Webinar Recording)

Learn about the new initiative from Europe Catalyst EMEA and Tent Partnership for Refugees to mentor refugee women in Europe.

Sponsorship and Mentoring

Supporting Refugee Women Through Mentorship

Hear from Tent on how mentorship plays a crucial role in integrating refugee women to advance career development.

Sponsorship and Mentoring

LinkedIn Live: Our Path to the Boardroom

Learn how mentorship and sponsorship helped from Kiren Singh and Anne Taylor secure board seats in this LinkedIn Live event.