Women hold less than 25% of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Medicine) jobs in the United States. There is a substantial gap between men and women studying STEM in most parts of the world. Learn more about the gender gap in STEM with our resources.



Content Type




Catalyst Award Winner

General Electric – Developing Women Leaders: Synergistic Forces Driving Change (Practices)

General Electric uniquely addresses the challenge of talent development by providing management women with the information, experience, and visibility needed to become leaders.

Catalyst Award Winner

Shell Oil Company U.S. – Valuing and Leveraging Diversity to Become a Model of Inclusiveness (Practices)

Shell created an environment in which differences in background and perspective are respected, valued, and leveraged.


Bit by Bit: A Catalyst Guide to Advancing Women in High Tech Companies (Report)

Catalyst embarked on the current study to delve deeper into the issues facing women in the high tech industry.

Recruitment and Retention

MBA Grads in Info Tech: Women and Men in the Information Technology Industry (Report)

This report focuses on the unique experiences of women and men MBAs in the information technology industry.

Catalyst Award Winner

IBM Corporation – Global Women Leaders’ Task Force: Creating the Climate to Win (Practices)

The Executive Women's Diversity Task Force was one of eight task forces at IBM that began in July, 1995, with…


Women Scientists in Industry: A Winning Formula for Companies (Report)

This study identifies the factors that contribute to or impede the advancement of women scientists in corporations.


Women in Engineering: An Untapped Resource (Report)

This study highlights the factors that lead to success for women engineers.