Start improving recruitment, retention, and gender equity across the front line.
Read the reportReducing turnover by 10% can save $4-$7 billion in each industry (Accenture). Unlock Catalyst resources to help you attract and retain frontline talent.
Available for Supporter companies only. Start addressing the most pressing advancing women and workplace priorities.
Additional fee | Take up to 30 managers through this scenario-based training. Time: 4 hours
Additional fee | Train up to 15 internal trainers for your organization. Time: 8 hours
Learn to attract, develop, and retain women in frontline roles through a worksheet, checklist, and leading practices.
Additional fee | Bring the transformational gender partnership program to frontline and field workers.
The Moments that Matter scenario cards and videos, the Window to the Front Line workbook and email series, and the conversation skills graphics are available to all Supporter organizations and their affiliated employees at no additional cost.