Kimberly-Clark: Better care for a better world
Learn about Kimberly-Clark's efforts to engage their frontline employees in their inclusion work.
- ERGs
- Inclusive workplaces
- Women’s workplace health and safety
- +1
Join the community of CEOs shrinking the gender gap.
Champion companies share pay equity, retention, and representation of women at all levels.
Champion CEOs commit to role modeling inclusive leadership and creating systemic change.
Champion companies are Catalyst Supporter companies that have shown strong Diversity and Inclusion as well as gender equity maturity.
Key findings reveal 93% of Catalyst CEO Champions For Change companies conduct pay equity reviews, 57% disclose those results publicly, and women hold 30% of executive roles and 37% of board seats globally.
Established in 2017, the Catalyst CEO Champions For Change signatories share data related to equitable practices and outcomes with Catalyst so that collective progress can be tracked, analyzed, and reported. This allows other organizations to learn from and be inspired by their progress.
In addition, Catalyst is committed to partnering with the Catalyst CEO Champions For Change companies, providing opportunities for this community to connect and convene, and leveraging Catalyst’s thought leadership and tangible solutions to accelerate change.